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(It has been a few year's since our children came into this world and they have grown up quite a bit)

(Mothra pov)

I and Godzilla were resting outside of our cave, watching over the island and looking at all the kids playing with each other.

As we were looking our kids walked up behind us.

Mothzilla: mum dad, can we go and play with the other kids.

Godzilla: of course you can.

Megami: yes! Thank you, dad.

Both of our kids ran down the mountain and met up with the other kids.

(Megami pov)

Megami: hey guys, what's up.

Gill:  hey Megami, hi Mothzilla.

Rodanda: hey you two

Kong jr: sup.

Muta: hi.

Behema: hello.

( Just a quick description of them )

Muta is the daughter of hokmuto and Femuto. She can fly, she has spikes on her back, she is the same colour as her mother Femuto.

Kong jr is the son of Kong.
Basically looks the same as Kong, just smaller

Gill is the son of Zilla, Gill is A light blue colour, his head has a more sharp-looking design compared to his Mother. He has fins on his arm and legs.

Behema is the daughter of Behemoth and Scylla, she is armoured with hard scales like her mother but has the same body shape and tusks as her farther.

And Rodanda is the daughter of Rodan, she was a much lighter red compared to her father, and he head shape was a more female look.)

Mothzilla: what are you guys playing?

Rodanda: were just playing Hide and seek.

Magami: can we play.

Muta: sure, we are about to start a new round.

Mothzilla: sweet.

Gill: I'm counting.

Everyone: ok

Gill: 1, 2, 3.

I ran off to the far forest where nobody really lived. I hid behind some of the rocks from the mountain
I could just hear him say ready or not here I come. I hid behind some of the rock, a bit as I was hiding behind them I noticed something, this rock formation is not natural, I looked up and saw that the rocks fell down from up the mountain, I looked at the rocks and saw a old piece of metal stuck under it.

I pulled it out and a few rocks fell which made a bit of noise.

I looked around it and looked to see if Gill was nearby, I didn't see him

Migami: (phew) that was a close one.

Kaiju: who's their.

Megami: er umm Show yourself then I'll tell you.

Kaiju: o...ok I'm coming out.

A creature with 3 heads walked out he was yellow with 2 tails big Broad wings.

Kaiju: who are you and what's your name.

Megami: My me is Megami and I'm the daughter of Godzilla and Mothra.
Now, what's your name.

Kaiju: my name is Drago Ghidorah, I'm the son of King Ghidorah.

Megami: Huh I've never seen you here before, are you new here on Monster Island.

Drago: yeah I guess you could say that I'm out here with my grandfather Kizor Ghidora and two of his friends Gigan and Kiryu.

Megami: why did you come to monster island

Drago: well I'm actually from space, we came to earth to find out what happened to my dad, but other than that My grandfather won't tell me.

Megami: wait for you from space.

Drago: yup.

Megami: Wow, I should introduce you to all my friends.

Drago: well umm my grandfather said to avoid as much Kaiju's as possible but I guess I could " accidentally" meet them.

Megami: (giggles) technically that's true.

I walked away from the boulder pile still holding that piece of metal I walked out of the forest with Drago not too far behind.

Gill: there you are You where the last one found. Wait who is that behind you.

Megami: everyone this is Drago Ghidorah.

(Godzilla pov)

I and Mothra saw Megami coming out of the forest, but then a Kaiju walked out not too far behind it looked like Ghidorah, I started to have flashbacks.

Godzilla: no no no!

Mothra flew down as fast as she could I ran down the mountain I got to worry and ended up just sliding down it when I got down my leg was bleeding but I was to focus on protecting me, son and daughter. Mothra got in front of the kids and I stood in front of The Ghidorah

Drago Ghidorah: umm H...H...hi their.

Gigan shot me with his laser from his vizor the little Ghidorah got behind Gigan

Gigan: hey Godzilla long time no see.

I just gave him a death stare.

Mothra: go away Gigan or you will end up like you master King Ghidorah.

Gigan: I'm just getting this little Ghidorah here and I'll be on my way.

Godzilla: fine

Gigan picked up the little Ghidorah and walked off.

Godzilla: ok all you kids, go home to your parents.

(Mothzilla pov)

Mothzilla: Hey Mum

Mothra: yes hun.

Mothzilla: is dad ok he seems sad and angry.

Mothra: (sigh) I...It's better If you and your sister ask him yourself.

Both: ok mum.

(Meanwhile back on the other side of monster island)

(Dragon Ghidorah pov)

I walked into a large cave where my grandfather was waiting,

Kizor: Drago come here we need to talk.

Godzilla x Mothra 2Where stories live. Discover now