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The thing only people who read a lot and come off as shy understand. We read to get away from our reality, we read because our lives are so hard to deal with we need a getaway, a place to feel safe and live in someone else's reality and become them, live their lives. Because our lives are just something we need to get away from. It's our escape. Sure, it may make us "weird" or "nerdy" but it's our way of dealing, that type of escape is one not many people find because they don't understand it. They think reading is a past time or something to do when bored. It's not. It's a second reality for us to escape to. No, it does not make us weak to run away from our lives. No. It does not make us weird or odd. And no, it does not make us pathetic. It makes us human. And honestly? A reader live a thousand lives before they die. The ones who don't read, live only one. And I'd take that over anything.

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