chapter 4 - scene 4

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Harry: I don’t know, man. Cedric Diggory. He’s pretty awesome. NOT! He sucks! I’m totally gonna win! 

Harry: Cedric was awesome!

Harry and Ron high-five. 
Hermione: I don’t know, Harry…
Ron: Oh my god, Hermione. Keep Shut. Why do you have to rain on everybody’s parade?

Hermione: I don't know because this I's dangerous
Harry/ron: we know

Hermione: Because, Ron, this is dangerous!
Harry: Dangerous? Come one, Hermione, how dangerous can it be? Especially for me.
Hermione: You’re not invincible, Harry. Someone DIED in this tournament.
Harry: Uh, I’m the Boy that LIVED, not DIED. What’s the worst that could happen?

Harry: why am I acting so much like malfoy in this!
Draco: I don't act like that and at least your not a girl.

Hermione: And I don’t know about that Quirrell character
Harry: Come on, think about it. Professor Quirrell is a professor, and who hires professors?
Harry & Ron: Dumbledore.
Harry: ...who’s the smartest, most awesome, practical,
Ron: most beautiful

Dumbledore: thank you mr weasley 

Harry: most beautiful wizard in the whole school. Why would he possibly hire someone who’s trying to hurt me? You know what Hermione, just forget about all of that okay?? Let it go.

Harry: because remus was the only teacher for DADA who hasn't tried killing me
Dumbledore: I'm sorry about that my boy
Harry: it's not your fault

Ron:  I’ll sabotage all the other champions so you win by default.
Hermione: Alright… I guess I can check out the whole library on notes. 
Harry: Alright. You guys are awesome. 

Harry: well you are
Hermione/ron: thank you harry
The golden trio hug

Malfoy, Crab, and Goyle enter. Goyle is carrying Malfoy. 

Ron and harry burst out laughing
Draco: why am I being carried?

Malfoy: Well. Isn’t this touching?
Ron: Oh my God just butt out, Malfoy.

Harry: yes please do

Goyle tries to put Malfoy down but Malfoy falls onto the floor. He will continue to roll around on the
floor for awhile to make it seem like he did this on purpose.

Draco: what am I doing?!
Severus and tom face parm

Malfoy: Goyle and I have a bet, you know. He says you won’t last five minutes in this tournament. I
disagree. I say you wouldn’t last five minutes at Pigfarts!

Harry: Alright,malfoy,what is pigfarts?
Draco: I don't know potter

Harry: What? Alright, Malfoy, what is Pigfarts?

Harry and ron laugh

Malfoy: Oh! Never heard of it? Ha! Figures. Famous Potter doesn’t even know about Pigfarts!

Hermione: you don't even know!
The adults in the room look at the children, wired out

Harry: Malfoy, don’t act like you don’t want to talk about it. This is like the ninth time you’ve mentioned Pigfarts. What is Pigfarts?
Malfoy is standing by now.
Malfoy: Pigfarts is only the greatest wizarding school in the galaxy. It’s where I'm being transferred next year.

The golden trio: I wish you were

Hermione: Malfoy, I’ve never heard of that
Malfoy: That’s because Pigfarts… is on Mars!

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