Hello Again

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It's been 3 months since I last saw Elio. He kept to his word and didn't contact me again. I try to ignore the tinge of regret I feel when I realize the message or dm I receive off of Instagram isn't him. The first day of the senior year starts next week and I need to focus on what matters, like my GPA and the fact that Akil still hasn't asked me out. Not on that stupid, crazy, je-


My head jerks up at the familiar voice, I was so lost in thought I didn't even see him. In front of me is Elio, holding a brown cardboard box which is evidently heavy by the way his muscles are straining. Sweat is seeping through his white t-shirt and his gym shorts give way to long toned legs. I try no to stare, I fail. With a chuckle, he pulls me out of my daydream again.

"Like what you see?"

My voice catches in my throat and I try to fight the blush blooming on my face.

"Yeah right, didn't I tell you to stay away?!"

He rolls his eyes with a shrug of his shoulders.

"True you did, however, that's gonna be kinds of hard now."

"And why is that?"

"Because you're looking at a new addition to the UCLA senior class."

"You- You transferred?"

He smiles widely, enthusiasm in his face. With a huff I spin on my heel and head in the other direction, ignoring his calls at me.

"See you in class!"

My heart rate starts to quicken and I find myself running to the closest restroom. 'Why is this happening?' The truth is after that night I've had more and more dreams about Elio. It's like a long story all out of sequence but one thing is for sure, he was right we were in love and I think we're still in danger. 

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