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The first week of school has come and gone with the making of new friends, a party or two, and of course Neoma avoiding me at every turn. We have two classes together and I try my best to make the most of it. I'll sit next to her, ask her for help, I've even brought her breakfast. Everything is me with a cold shoulder and I'm running out of ideas. The dreams are becoming visions, it could be in the middle of the day and I 'll see into the past. I'm also getting more and more anxious, dread living in my stomach as I try to imagine what's to come.

"You coming Elio?"

I turn to my roommate Jeremy, he and some friends are heading to a party to celebrate the first week of school. I was planning on staying home and catching up on some much-needed sleep, but with all the stress Neoma is causing I think I've changed my mind.

"Yes, let's go."


"Come on Neoma, you've been holed up in the library for the past few weeks. Just calm down and enjoy yourself."

"I just really wasn't feeling a party Jasmine" I try to be heard over the pounding music.

She rolls her eyes and points a finger at me. "You need to let loose. You've been stressed about everything between school and Elio."

I let out a sigh, she's right I haven't had much time to enjoy myself and I've denied every party offer from Jasmine until now. I definitely wasn't making the most of my senior year.

"Akil is gonna be here in a few, I'm gonna go check out that fine Latino in the corner. Just enjoy yourself."

With a wink and a sway of her hips, she's gone in the crowd. Parties usually weren't my thing but I've been known to let loose and have fun here and there. With a nod of determination, I grab the closest red solo cup to me and down the alcohol resident in it. With a shake of my head, I let it wash over me and head over to the dance floor. Time to have a good time.

After an hour or two of dancing, I feel someone come up behind me. With a giggle, I turn to face who I thought was Akil. Instead, I'm face to face with Elio. My eyes widened in surprise and I tried to hold on to the contents in my stomach. He grins widely and grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him. At first, I try to fight his grip but when he begins to sway I can't help but follow his rhythm. He moves his face closer to my ear and whispers to me.

"I've been trying all year to get some alone time with you."

I giggle and sway some more.

"The year has only just begun."

"We need to talk, and I think you know what about."

My body stills and I shake my head. I didn't want to do this, especially not here. I turn away from him and begin to walk briskly out of the room, I'm going back to the dorm and I'll see Jasmine there.

"Neoma wait."

I ignore his calls and slam the door behind me. Scenes of my recent dreams begin flashing in front of me but I keep my head down and ignore them. I need to get through this.


I let out a huff as I dragged my hand through my hair. 'This girl is driving me crazy' I decide to let her cool off and try again tomorrow. At least she didn't ignore me this time, given it could be because of her slightly tipsy state. Taking a sip from my red solo cup, I turn to join the party until a chill goes through my spine. I stop mid-sip and my eyes widen with fear. In an instant I drop my cup and run out of the house, something's wrong. My mind wanders back to the minute Neoa left the party, focusing harder. I remember the suspicious figure following her out the door, dressed in black. Shaking the worst-case scenarios from my mind I increase my speed until I'm on the main campus lawn.

I'm wheezing desperately trying to gain access to air, resting my hands on top of my head, frantically looking left and right. The dreadful feeling is increasing and I can't find her anywhere. On the edge as it is my ears catch hold of a scream in the distance. Without a second thought, I sprint towards the sound.

When I arrive I see a black-cloaked figure holding Neoma by her hair. Her cheeks are tears stained and she's struggling to break free.

"Let me go! Please!"

"No can do little missy. I have orders."

He throws her to the ground and she tries to drag herself away, she doesn't make it far before he kicks her in the stomach. As he raises a metal pipe over her body I reach him just in time. Instead of coming in contact with her skull like planned, I gripped the pipe in my hands.

"Wha- Who the hell are you?!"

I smirk, nothing less than the devil in my eyes.

"I'm your worst nightmare"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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