I'm sorry

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Alex pov

Our dinner date where we discussed our final plans for the wedding was about a month ago. For some reason, things haven't felt right since then. Jake has been becoming distant and is rarely home. I've tried to speak to him about it but every time he brushes it off like it's nothing and gives me a kiss then goes to bed. Then by morning he's gone before I'm even awake. I always drove him to work and picked him up after yet, now he's on his own.
Whatever, maybe I'm just overthinking. I'm sure everything's fine. I just need to go to work and clear my head.

*few hours later*

"Hello sir, are you ready to order or do you need a minute?" I asked a customer
"Uh yeah, I need a number 1 meal, large coke" he soon responded
"Alrighty sir. Is that all?" I asked
"Yes." He responded
"Perfect. That'll be $6.57!" I stayed with a smile
"Thanks" he responded.
"My pleasure! And what's your name?"
"John" he said.

I froze. Snap out of it Alex. It's not him. It's not him. He's dead. Stop.

"Ok John, they'll call your name when the order is ready" I said rather quickly as he walked off.
"Hey Sal, can. Can I take a minute break.." I stammered.
"Oh gosh. Alex are you  alright!? Come here. Come with me" sally said.
I followed her as we headed to our break room in the back. The second we walked in I fell to the floor crying.
"I don't know what's wrong with me!? It was just a name. Just a simple name. It wasn't him. I know it wasn't yet I'm freaking out!" I sobbed into my knees. Sally walked over to me and placed a comforting hand on my back. She knows everything that happened to me and is the main manager which makes situations like these easier.
"Hey hey. It's alright. Everything's alright. I've got you" she stated to me. Wrapping her arms around me allowing me to sink into her embrace as I continued to just cry.
"My shift is almost over for the day. How about you take the rest of the day off and I'll take you home. I think you need some rest" she smiled softly at me.
I nodded my head as she helped me up. She let me sit in here until she was off and finished informing my fellow coworkers that I would be leaving early.
Once she came back in we walked to her car and said mine could stay over night as we drove home.
"Hey Alex?" Sally asked
"Yeah Sal?" I questioned.
"Is there something else going on like at home or something? I know the name brings bad memories. But that was a pretty bad breakdown for it just to have been the name that got you" sally said.
"Honestly, I don't know. Jake has been acting weird lately and I don't know if I'm just overthinking or if something is happening and I should be worried" I said pretty softly.
"Lemme tell you something Alex, A, I'm here for you if something is wrong buuut B, you and Jake have the strongest relationship I have ever seen. I'm sure everything's ok. But I'll be by your side throughout whatever this is" she placed her hand on mine as I thanked her.
We drove in silence for the rest of the trip until we got to my house.
"Need me to stay or you all good?" She asked
"Nah. I'll be alright. Thank you sal. This means a lot" I smiled then waved as I walked to our apartment.
I waked in and just slumped on the couch turning the tv on. I flipped through channels till I hit a comedy channel. I could use some laughs right now.
As I'm relaxing I get a message from Jake

"Hey baby, my coworkers and I are going out tonight so I won't be home till late. I love you sweets!"

Well. That's a first he's texted me about not being home early. I'll take it. I texted hi back telling him I loved him to. Guess I've got the place to my self for quite a while. It's almost 5 ok so I guess I mind as well make some dinner. Ramen it is cause I can't cook for trash.

It's now 11 pm and he's not home. I've texted him and he's not answering me. My calls are going straight to voicemail. Where is he!?
Oh! I hear the key in the door, he's home! Why do I hear laughing? Is he not alone?

As if on cue Jake came stumbling through the door arm in arm with another man!?

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed with my fist clenched
"Oh heyyy babyyyy. This is Samuel. Sam for shortttt. Hehehe" Jake slurred
"You're drunk. You're fucking drunk and brought another man into our home! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!? IVE CALLED AND IVE TEXTED AND YOU NEVER PICKED UP AND HERE YOU ARE WITH ANOTHER MAN IN OUR GODDAMN HOME!?"
"Shhhh. It's ok baby. He's finnne. He's pretty fun. I thought we could have like. A three way" Jake slurred some more giggling through hiccups
"No. Fucking hell, Sam or whoever you are, get out. Get out now" I demanded
"K. Whatever. See you at work Jakey" he winked as he walked out
"Jeez babe. Calm down dude. It's fiiiine. We're all fine here. Just had a little fun is all" jake stated while swaying now
"You know what. Fuck you. Go take a shower and go to bed. I'll talk to you when your sober. I'm sleeping on the couch" I said.
"Whatever. Night asshole" he said now wobbling to the room.
"Yeah I'm the asshole. Sure. Sleep well oh so wise one" I said now just annoyed.
I grabbed our spare pillows and blankets and set up on the couch. I can't believe this. Not only has he kept stuff from me, he comes into our home with another man drunk.
I'm done. I'm going to bed. Screw this. Figure it out by morning. I hope.


I woke up to the sound of sizzling and smell of bacon. I went to roll and face planted on the ground. I forgot I was on the couch. Grunting as I stand up I hear movement
"Good morning babe! I hope you slept well. I've made you breakfast!" He said with a big smile on his face. How can he act like this after last night?
"Um, hello? Have you forgotten the shit you did last night?" I said
"I. Um. Well. No, I didn't. But I made you breakfast!" He stammered then smiled again
"Really!? Breakfast! You think breakfast is gonna fix the fact you you came home drunk with another man that. Hmm. I don't know. Lemme recall your words 'just had a little fun' with. WITH ANOTHER MAN THAT YOU BROUGHT INTO OUR HOME!" I started yelling
"Babe. It was an accident. It won't happen again" he said
"Ohhhh. An accident. Juuuust an accident. Well is it really. You've been distance for a month now! I never know where you are or what your doing, I never see you anymore! Are you cheating!?" I started crying as I yelled.
"Cheating!? Seriously, you think I'm cheating!? I was drunk last night. Nothing I did was me. I didn't mean anything I even said. Man, never did I think I'd see the day my fiancé would say that to me. Ha. Yes because cheating is taking on extra hours so I can get plenty of money for you to have the perfect wedding! They took me out to relax and take the edge off last night and I got drunk. I'm sorry ok!? When you're reading to calm the fuck down and listen then come find me. I'm going to work. Enjoy your breakfast. I can't believe you Alex. I love you and you know that. Have a good day" Jake yelled then stormed off grabbing his keys and walking out the door

What just happened. I, I have reasons to be mad. But, did I take it to far. Oh what did I do!
I started sobbing more as I just fell to the floor and curled up in a ball. I screwed up didn't I? We've never fought before . This has never happened before. What do I do.

An hours passed and I've just sat on the floor against the back of the couch. I texted sally and said I wasn't coming in today. I decided to text jake as well. I told him I was ready to talk calmly when he got home. I really hope I didn't mess up. God what's wrong with me! I stood up and curled up on the couch eventually falling asleep.

I woke up very stiff. How long had I been asleep? It's 12am!?! Jeez what. Wait where's jake!?
I jumped off the couch and ran to the room to see him sleeping. A note on my side of the bed

"Hey baby. You were asleep so I didn't want to wake you. We'll talk tomorrow. I took the day off work for you. I love you hun"

I stared at it for a while before looking back at him. I set it down and crawled into the bed right up next to him resulting in him immediately wrapping his arms around me but he was still asleep. I relaxed into him listening to his heart beat. Slowly drifting to sleep again. I guess we'll talk tomorrow. I hope I didn't mess us up. I'm sorry Jake. I'm so sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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