Part 6

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Natsu walked along the river as the noon bell chimed from the cathedral. Happy walked beside him calmly with a content expression that matched one another’s attitudes. Lucy was being carried on Natsu’s back since she hadn’t woken up after the publisher left Natsu with the good news she had waited so long to hear. Her fatigue, of all the late nights she had, caught up to her and she passed out before Mr. Crymph could deliver it to her.

“This is great Natsu! We can hang out with Lucy more now that she doesn’t have to keep saying she’s working on a book!” Happy said with his tail flicking in delight.

“I know, right! I can’t wait to get out on another job. We’re running low on money for food.” Natsu added adjusting his grip on Lucy’s legs. Somehow she seemed to sleep peacefully in the blinding sunlight that had appeared while they were inside, and the crowds of people that would walk by them loquaciously.

She practically had a death grip around Natsu’s neck that tightened any time she started to slip. He would bear with it though; not minding that he was being strangled and barely even noticed it.

“Natsu, why don’t we just wake her up? You look like you’re about to suffocate.” Happy stated as his expression turned to mild concern.

“Why? I don’t mind. If she wants to sleep she can sleep, as long as she wakes up later so we can hang out at the guild.” Natsu said.

He looked forward as they approached Lucy’s apartment.

“Happy, take Lucy and bring her in through the window to her bedroom.”

“Aye” Happy shouted as he flew up grabbing hold of Lucy, and flew her up to her room as Natsu asked. He then flew back down and hovered in front of Natsu.

“Don’t you want to go inside?” He asked.

“Nah, I’ve been bored enough for one day. Let’s go back to the guild for now.” Natsu turned around placing a large smile on his face and throwing his hands behind his head.


Lucy’s eyes slowly opened and she began to wake up. Her eyes started to adjust, as she looked around realizing she was- in her room? She popped up into a sitting position, confused.

“Wha-? How did I…?” Lucy asked herself wondering when she got home. The last thing she remembered was being in the waiting area with Natsu and starting to feel drowsy. Did I fall asleep?! She mentally screamed at herself as she realized she missed Mr. Crymph’s review on her story. Her mind panicked and pulse sped rapidly. Would it be published? Or did she do all that work just to be an amateur write once again?

Lucy sulked at the thought of having failed once again. Her hand gripped her blanket tightly then tossed it away from her and stood up, her boots hitting the floor with a short scuff. She clenched her hand into a fist in front of her. No, I don’t know that yet until I hear it for myself. Realization then sparked into her head that Natsu may know already. If not she could visit Mr. Crymph on her own time!

She left for the guildhall assuming Natsu would already be there. She was becoming anxious to know. All she could hope for was that Natsu actually paid attention to Mr. Crymph, no doubt the man told him. She broke into a sprint excitedly toward Fairy Tail. No, she knew that Natsu had the answer. It wasn’t a mere assumption, she just had a feeling. Natsu must know already.

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