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-I stared at the chat for a few minutes and spun in my chair side to side.-
Ina: Oh,I didn't want to go to dinner with the boys for a few reasons..it's not important though.
-a comment caught my eye and I read it.-
Ina:Mekiina,Taehyung said sorry..Yoongi leave and enjoy dinner with the boyyyzzz

"You know how she said she and Taehyung don't really get along?maybe that's why she didn't wanna go,he probably said some rude things to Mekiina and didn't mean them.Please don't be angry at Taehyung Mekiina 🥺"

"Ugh,Taehyung never did anything to you so quit acting."

"Is this why people never ship Tae and Kii?"

-I scratched my lip and shook my head.-
Ina:It's not anything serious,don't make it a big deal guys..let's talk about other things!What should I dye my hair for my upcoming solo album and concert?
-I saw a lot of people saying silver.-
Ina:Silver?You want me to be a granny?
-I laughed and rubbed my hands together as I focused on the comments.-
Ina: Yall be hating on my girl Mekiina,but watch
her get silver her and radiate mommy energy,y'all gon feel like you got slapped in the ass by her beauty.
-I bursted out laughing and hid my face in my hands.-
Ina: Out of pocket...
-I frowned at my boring face and decided to put a filter on.-
10 Minutes later
-I sighed.-
Ina:Well I hope you guys had some good laughs,I have to go practice my dance and do stuff I have a busy schedule tomorrow since we are going to America in a few days.
Hyunmin:Just pretend this llorona shit don't exist or whatever it's called.
-I waved while smiling.-
Ina: "Bye,bye!I hoph you hab a nice ny!"
-I don't even know why I bothered speaking English.-
-The live ended and I sighed.I heard the front door open indicating the boys had just came home.-
Hoseok: MEKIINA~~
-I answered and walked downstairs.-
-He turned towards me and smiled..fake.-
Taehyung:I'm sorry for being rude towards you,you are apart of u-
-He tried to get the last words out,but ended up laughing.-
Ina:Save it,I'm just a girl who wants sex..right?
-I walked toward the pantry and took some things out to start cooking.-
Jimin: Baby~
-I smiled when we wrapped his arms around my waist.-
-I said shyly while cutting a carrot.-
Jimin:What are you making?
-I poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue.-
Ina:Something healthy,I need to go on a diet.I'm getting a little chubby and you know how I feel about my looks..
-He whined while watching me cut an onion.-
Jimin:It's okay with having a little tummy,I like that.Plus,you're thicc..in the back and the front.
-I put my knife down and hung my head while laughing,my shoulders shaking in the process.-
Ina:Gosh,you're and idiot Jimin-Ah.
-He giggled.-
Jimin:Your idiot though.
-He booped my nose with his finger and ran off to go play games with the rest of the maknae line.-
Yoongi:Hi baby,what's that?
-He saw my bowl fool of chopped vegetables and I shrugged.-
Ina:Just something healthy that will help me on my diet.
-he messed around with something in a bag before setting it on the counter in front of me..my favorite cotton candy flavored candies.-
-He laughed as I whined.-
Yoongi:You're welcome,baby..
-I turned around and gave him a long kiss with his head cupped in my hands.-
Ina:Thank you.
-I whispered and turned back around to grab the bag of candies.-
Ina:Can you please go put these in my room.
-He nodded and ran upstairs to put my things away that he bought me..yes he bought me more than candy..stupid adorable ass kitten.-
Seokjin:H-hi Mekiina,I-I-
-I turned back around and kissed him,my hands on his shoulders with his on my waist.I pulled away.-
Ina:No need to apologize,it's not your fault.
-I gave him one last peck before turning around and continuing to fix my self a healthy dinner.-
Seokjin:Ooh,whats that?It looks yummy~
-I snickered.-
Ina:Funny,the boys don't seem to agree..they think I shouldn't go on a diet!Then what will I be?A fat idol?NOPE NOT HAPPENING.
-windshield laughter-
Seokjin:You're honestly really skinny and I think the only "weight" you're wanting to lose is on your breast and ass.
-I nodded.-
Ina:Correct,I don't want ARMY's to think I'm a slut or I'm trying to seduce you guys.
-He looked around before sticking his hands in my hoodie and groping my breast.-
Seokjin:Oh,so now you wanna wear a bra?
-I smiled.-
Ina:I did a live,of course I'm going to wear a bra.
-He slid his hands back to my waist and kissed my neck before wandering away to who knows where.-
-I grabbed the big bowl full of vegetables and brought them to the stove where I had a pan.-
Ina:Yes Hobi?
-He stood by me and watched me put frozen bits of chicken in the pan along with vegetables and seasoning.-
Hoseok:What's that?
-I groaned,why do the all ask that?-
Ina: That's like the third or fourth time someone has asked me that today,something healthy for my di-hey can you hand me the spatula?
-He nodded and handed me the utensils.-
Hoseok:Can I have some?
-I nodded.-
Ina:Of course you can,tell the boys to come down,I know you guys went somewhere else after having dinner.They are probably hungry  again.
-He ran upstairs like a child and told the boys to come down.-
-I grilled them some Korean beef so they could make a lettuce wrap.-
Hyunmin: idk I don't eat a lot of Korean food lmao
Yoongi:Do I have to eat the vegetables?
-I snapped my head in his direction.-
Ina:Yes.Don't leave a single vegetable on your plate,understand?
-He pouted.-
-After I sat down we began to eat,but I managed to look over at Jungkook who was avoiding his vegetables.-
-He hummed and I swallowed my food.-
Ina:Eat the vegetables,now.
-The boys tried to hide their laughter,but failed.-
Jungkook:It's not funny!Hmph..I was gonna.
-I chuckled.-
Ina:Guess you don't want to cuddle with me and Yoongs.
-He immediately focused his attention on his vegetables and grilled chicken.-
Ina:That's what I thought.
-I took my phone out and started to scroll on social media when a picture caught my eye.-


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YoongsXKii: Mekiina's little brother back then looked so much like the younger version of Jungkook!!


HunnyKissesSunny:Why are you stalking Mekiina's brother?That shit is creepy as hell...

YoongsXKii: @HunnyKissesSunny,Um..last time I checked Mekiina wasn't hiding that she had a little brother from us lol..ur mad.

HunnyKissesSunny: @YoongsXKii,neither did she say it was okay to spread pictures of her little brother and invade his privacy,but ur not ready for that convo..

-I chocked on my food causing Namjoon to pat my back as I gulped down some water.-
Ina:Where in the HELL did they find pictures of my brother!?
-Just then I had got a message.-

(😂MyHero❤️): Uh..Kii can you tell your fans to not post about me?It makes em uncomfortable ;(

(Inaii): OMG,I am so sorry Koi!I never told them that this was okay,I'll tell them to take it down IMMEDIATELY.Sorry bro,I love you 😘

Namjoon:What happened?
-I groaned and pinched my nose bridge.-
Ina:They found pictures of my brother and posted them...
-He gasped.-
Namjoon:Really!?Do you want me to help you take them down?
-I shook my head and stuffed some chicken and vegetables in my mouth.-
Ina:No,I'll handle it.
-He shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.-
Seokjin:Whats this called?its really good.
-I looked at him from across the table.-
Ina: Something my mom made for me when I was little.I was a really chubby kid,and my mom would get sick of all the Russians walking around you know..because I lived in Russia and there weren't really any people that were from Koryo-Saram decent like me and my family,so I lived around Caucasians,and they were ALL really skinny.
-I wiped my mouth.-
Jungkook:You don't have Caucasian family members?
-I nodded my head my head.-
Ina: I do!My great,great,great,great,great,great grandfather was Caucasian.
-I looked down as I poked at my food.-
Ina:But,Imma Russian born Korean my dudes!I honestly don't have a bit of Caucasian in me.
-When I was down eating I grabbed my plate and put it in the sink.-
Ina:I'm going to pack my bags,I know I'll forget if I don't do it today.
-I waved at them and went upstairs.-
Ina: "Day and night,Night and day deep inside me~"
-I The only actual time I'm good at English is when I'm singing my own damn songs.-
Taehyung:M-May I come in?

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