The lion

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As she entered the royal tent, Nazel saw Doflamingo sitting comfortably on his chair. Unusual enough, he was alone. His presence definitely had something. Nazel could understand how people would follow him just because of his charisma. He seemed disappointed by the presence of her managers.

- I didn't ask for the managers, if I remember correctly.

Nazel heard them babble something and go out. Doflamingo smiled.

- Don't worry, I won't rape her.

Even if she was a little bit creeped out by what he said, she was happy that he sent them back. The guards closed the doors behind her. Doflamingo knew he did the right thing by sending them away, seeing the look on her face.

Seems like we're on the same page, Nazel thought.

She had a lot of sympathy for him, right now. She bowed humbly. Her family would've probably not agreed but knowing which smart and dangerous man she had in front of her, Nazel thought there would not be too much courtesies.

- I'm sorry to present myself in such clothes, your Highness.

- You were well educated to speak to important people I see, he laughed.

He showed a smaller chair in front of him and Nazel sat silently. For a moment, they stared at each other in silence. It was kind of disturbing not to be able to see his eyes because of his sunglasses.

- I wanted to congratulate you for your performance tonight. I heard a lot about you before but I was surprised. You have a really pretty voice and a strong stage presence.

Nazel tilted her head back.

- Even if I never had interest for music before.

- You are not to blame, she answered. Music is useless to rule a country.

- Have I heard fine ? You think your job is useless ? he said.

He started to like her a lot.

- A job ? she laughed. I would like to say that I work and create, but I'm basically the public's puppet. I sing them what they want to hear.

- That is why you sing love songs, he laughed. I'm guessing that you are not the romantic type.

Nazel only raised her shoulders, amused by the conversation.

- People like the image of the young woman who has never had luck in love.

Doflamingo smiled even more. He liked the way she was talking about all the things like it was nothing.

- I've heard that you came from a noble family.

Uh-oh. Here it goes.

Nazel wondered if he knew about her family's conspiracy. After all, they were not the most subtile people.

- I am.

- They must be proud of your achievements.

Nazel laughed. Them, proud ? As long as she was bringing money home, they didn't care but they never showed proudness towards anything she did. For the first time in the conversation, she had a real smile on her face.

- Oh, they are not sentimental people.

- You gotta explain...

- They are the ones who decided that I was going to be a singer. They were looking for money and success. Since they discovered I had a nice voice, when I was a teen, they kept pushing me in this way.

He laughed as well.

- Funny that the person who didn't choose that way gain so much success.

- I've learnt to love the feeling of the stage.

There was a sparkle in her eyes. He imagined that the show was her only freedom time away from her family. He sighed.

- I'm very pleased with your conversation. I wasn't expecting something like that.

- So do I.

He took her hand. He still had this grin on his face. She thought he was scary but she definitely liked his kind of evil. He kissed it slightly, like it was usual to do with women from the upper class. She bowed again.

- I'm afraid I have to let you go, he said.

- I'm sorry to have taken so much of your time, Nazel replied bowing again.

Maybe, but it definitely wasn't a waste, he thought.

- Go on and enjoy the night. Something tells me that we will meet again soon, he said in a lower tone.

Even if she was out of the tent, she heard it. She knew he had some plans concerning her. Nazel went back to her lodge, explaining in details her conversation and how he was pleased.

- It's a good thing, people, said her father loudly. The fish is maybe more trapped than what we hoped.

As they all partied, she stayed in her corner. Once again, hate was filling everything in her mind. Nazel hated them so much for using her to accomplish plans that were meant to fail. She wished that Doflamingo was planning to kill her so that this whole circus would be over.

- Nazel, is something wrong ? asked Symon.

- I'm exhausted. I gave everything in this concert.

- Go home and rest. You are our key to the success.

Nazel knew one day she would lose control and kill them. But not today. She ended up going to sleep alone and making nightmares about this night ten years ago, but this time, they were all dying.

The bleeding dove ( Doflamingo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now