Chapter 4: Junk Food

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Heaven is the only person, besides Jason, who I’ll tell when I’m angry and blow up about everything I’ve been thinking. Most of the time, I will soften my mood by going to 7-eleven, buying junk food, then eating them one by one until they’re all gone. Jason knows this (as you can see from Chapter 3). Bad habit, many say. I don’t care! It helps me! They should try it sometime!

Heaven has the same habit. In July of this year, Mom took us shopping, Saturday, for school clothes and she asked Lily, her sister named Rose, and their mom to go with us! She knew and remembered about Lily and I getting into it, so she said,

“Kasey, please get along with Lily… just for today… I invited her family to go shopping with us.”

“Okay…” She wasted her breathe telling me that. She must’ve forgotten who the copycat is!! Heaven likes the families I like and doesn’t like the families I don’t like… Which means I have another person on my side who HATE Lily and Rose! Lucky for me!

Heaven passed me a paper.

It read, “A stink bomb in their shoes?”

We both smiled a sickly sweet smile at each other. This was going to be Lily and Rose’s worst day of their lives! How? You’ll see!

To get with the plan, we had to dress like “rich” girls. That meant Southpole had some customers and models for today. We actually had the clothes for a while, but we never wore them. Heaven and I took the curlers out of our hair and started fancying it up!! Glittery eye shadow and lip gloss. Medium-sized gold hoops dangled and danced on the side of my cheeks. I wore a black hooded jacket with no sleeves, a silver fitted tee, your darkest pair of jeans, and some hot pair of golden K-Swiss. We walked out of the car with our hands on our hips. The mall was only a few feet away and standing by the doorway were the sissy twits and their mom.

Something changed. There was something totally different!?! Sissy number one was a whole head taller than me!! That didn’t change the plan, though. Actually, so far, it was perfect!

“Hi, Mrs. Bell,” We sang in unison, “and how are her lovely daughters doing?”

Once we got out of our mother’s sight, Lily proclaimed,

“So the hobo learned how to dress?”

“Check me.” I commanded my sister.

Heaven looked at me up and down and in false panic, she cried out, “You forgot your polish!”

I groaned, “These stick-ons are just going to have to do!”

“You’re wearing stick-ons, because you’re not allowed to wear real nail polish!” Rose screamed.

“Silly liar!” I let an arm wave in the air as we walked inside. “You’re the type that needs a pacifier. You still haven’t got anything besides the two lobes pierced. Heaven already got her nose and belly button pierced!”

“They’re lying, Rose. Don’t listen to their old crazy selves.”

“Yeah, Rose, do what Ms. Lily Boss-oramics says!” I urged. Heaven began to do the dirty work.

She poured the small pack of dust and two cubes of ice down Lily’s back.

“Ah!!” Lily turned in horror to see my sister.

“Can’t take a joke, girl?” I smiled.

Her eyes were about to bulge out of her sockets… but then her expression changed? So giddy!

“There’s Chris!!” She shrieked.

Forgetting about how she looked or thinking about what was the powdery stuff on her, she floated over there.

“Hold you expression for five minutes!” I begged and whispered to myself.

“Hi, Chris!”

He looked at her, took a big sniff, and said, “Hi, skunk!”

The guys around him laughed and they walked away.

Lily looked puzzled. She took a part of her shirt and breathed it in. Both of her eyes were on Heaven and I, the Plante girls! We held on the rails for support as we laughed.

“Mooooooooooooooooooooom!!!” Lily wailed… Uh. Oh…

Less than forty minutes later, I passed Heaven another bag of chips. 

“We’ll get those little rats!! We’ll get those little suckers!!” Heaven grumbled.

I don’t even want to talk about how many bags she ate!! Mom punished us by banning us from going over to her house for a whole month!! That left the Bell girls something to gloat over. Heaven and I were together through the sufferings.

What I noticed about myself is I like to see if something or someone can be persistent and I admire them for that. When Jason kept on talking to me until I opened up is a great example. Many people tried to become my friend before and after Jason. It was a little harder “after” because I was being picky…

During the middle of September of this year, two new girls came during the same class on the same day.

“Class,” Ms. Janet Smith cooed, “We have two new students today! Please welcome Shannon Kleals and Adelia Kajaro!”

The class clapped unenthusiastically.

“Please listen for your name as I assign partners for this Science experiment today.”

I was paired up with Shannon Kleals. She smiled at me and I stared at her as if nothing ever happened.

“I’m Shannon.” She whispered.

“I know.”

“What’s your name?”

“Why?” I rolled my eyes.

She was quiet during the whole experiment. I know I was wrong for treating her that way, but I noticed I wanted to have the chance of asking those same questions… I’ve never done that before.

At lunch that same day, I heard Adelia speak while giving her order. It sounded like the beating of drums and there! To make up for what I did earlier, I decided to ask Adelia a question. I had an awesome one and I figured I knew the answer! I walked over to her table and asked,

“Are you from Africa?”

“Yes. Kenya.” I was right! Woohoo!!           

“Cool. How did you learn to speak English so well?”

“They teach you your African language,

English, and French over where I live.” She explained.

That accent was so cool!

During the whole lunch period, we talked and I could understand every word she said. She even started teaching me French!

“Bonjour! Jem’apelle Kasey Plante.”

“Oui! Oui!” Adelia clapped.

“Bon appétit! Tout le monde!”

I started to get worried about Jason. What if he started to get jealous? I only started thinking that for a second. He has his own sets of friends that he doesn’t like me hanging around. To make him happy, I won’t talk to him until his throat problems go down!! Just kidding!

I accomplished the goal of the century!! I finally made a friend by myself!! Adelia is persistent enough for me!! She didn’t come to me. I came to her!

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