Chapter 5: Halloween

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Every day I started hanging out with Adelia. Jason was basically out of the picture.

Adelia walked over to my street.

“Ready?” She asked.

“Just wait. Wanna meet Jason?”

“I guess.”

“You’re really lucky that I’m best friends with the most popular guy in school!” I knocked on his door. That same second it was open!

“Hey Kasey.” He looked around, saw Adelia was behind me, and took a step back.

“Bonjour Jason!” I greeted. “Adelia, this is Jason. Jason… Adelia.

“Nice to meet you,” He mumbled. “Uh, Kase, can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Sure.” We walked to his room and he  closed his door.

“The guys are coming!” He wailed.

“And?” Oh. He wanted Adelia and I to leave.


“Look, Kase.” They clowned me enough about you, but you AND Adelia… that’s too much! You know what I mean? He smiled and laughed as if it was the best joke in the world.

I stared at him as if he lost his mind. I turned around and left his house.

“Come on, Adelia.” I commanded without looking at her. If I hadn’t wasted my time talking to that goat of a boy, I would have plenty of time to go to 7-eleven. Peanut butter cookies would taste very nice right now. I had to carry my anger all throughout my school.

At lunch, I decided I was going to tell Adelia what Jason told me.

“That back-stabbing jerk!! I can’t stand him!!” I screamed and then stuffed a forkful of my lunch into my mouth.

“Maybe he thinks he’s better than you?” Adelia suggested.

“If he does, I’ll show him!!” I got out of my seat, but Adelia slipped her feet under and tripped me.

“You seriously need to chill.” She told me.

I sat back down.

Once I got home, I told Heaven everything. She was just as mad as me too!

I started hanging out with Adelia more and talking to Jason less. Take the day after that incident for an example…

“Sup Kase!” He said in a stupidly jolly voice.

I turned to him and rolled my eyes. “Do I know you?”

Jason laughed. I couldn’t wait until he was an adult. It even affected his laugh! “Oh come on, Kase-”

I took him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. “Don’t you have your boys to hang out with?”

Suddenly, he knew what this was about. There was not even a glimpse of a smile on his face any more. “Oh, yeah.”

I let go of his shirt and Adelia and I left.

I ignored him totally after that until one specific day…

On October (of this year of course) I dressed, for Halloween, into a rebellious school girl. I had on a “school girl” outfit, but I had my nails painted purple, put on a blue wig, and I put on outrageous makeup colors! I looked hilarious!

Heaven was a hippie, Adelia was a pirate, and Jason was… Justin Timberlake…

Before Heaven, Adelia, and I were able to get outside good, he called me.

“What?” I asked flatly as I answered the phone.

“Do you know where all of my jackets, studs, and hats are?” His tone was horrible.  

“What you think they’re over here?” My voice mocked his scared tone. “You think I stole ‘em?!”

“Stop acting crazy, Kase!! This is serious!!”

I usually said that! Freaky!

“Come on, girls. Take your blindfolds off. We got to go to Jason’s.”

Before he called, we were playing three blind mice. We were trying to see how blind people get around. We used sticks at first, but we got the hang of it and started running around the place! A few times, we got hurt, but we were okay.

Jason was outside of his doorway and he led us inside.

“You see?? All my hats, jackets, studs… gone!!”

He was right. Jason is a very organized guy. He put his studs in a cardboard box. Empty. He put his hats on his coat rack and his jacket in his closet. Empty and empty.

“Look around for clues.” Adelia told the search party. “Kasey, you check outside.”

I looked outside by his window and there was a note taped to his window.

It read, “We took your accessories and left town. Happy Halloween! C, D, and L."

I showed Jason the note.

“Carter, Dustin, and Larry...” Jason growled as he crumbled the note.

As you can tell… Jason cares a lot about his clothes and we all agreed to wring him alive 

“Where do they stay?” I asked. It was as if someone shook a soda pop and opened it. I was boiling mad!!

“Carter is 8831 Boslo Street. Dustin is five houses from right across the street from us and Larry lives on 5569 Purple House road.” Jason explained.

I slammed my fist against the palm of my hand.

“I’m gonna find every last one of those kids, even if I have to catch a plane to Alaska! Nobody messes with the Plante girls or their friends and gets away with it!”

We marched over to Dustin’s house and knocked on the door. Dustin’s mom answered the door to some evil-looking kids at her doorstep.

“Hap-,” Dustin’s mom began.

“Is Dustin here?” I interrupted.

“No. He just went trick-or-treatin’ with Carter and Larry-”

“Thanks! Happy Halloween!” Jason called out as we ran off.

“Who do you think I should sock first: Carter, Larry, or Dustin?” I panted.

“Dustin – wait!! That’s them!!”            

Dustin, Larry, and Carter ran off… wearing Jason’s Justin Timberlake outfit!! 

“Split up!!” I screamed.

We sprinted like lightning up the street and down the street. Up and down Florist Road. Up and down Powswat Avenue. Wait... They were slowing down! Too bad! I had enough energy to chase them down a few more streets and back!

“Give me back all my stuff, dudes!! Thisisn’t funny!!” Jason demanded as we surrounded D, C, and L.

“Let me handle this.” I pushed Jason out of the way.

These boys knew me. They knew if they crossed my path, they were going to get hurt. They crossed it, so they should know what is going to happen to them. Their eyes got wide.

“If you don’t give him back his clothes, I’m gonna beat you black and blue until high school. You hear me?” I warned.

They started taking off the jackets, hats, and studs. They took off running back to Dustin’s house. Jason gathered all of his stuff and we all cheered.

Besides giving Dustin, Carter, and Larry what they deserve, we got some candy and scared a few kids. We all smiled at each other. Mission accomplished!

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