Chapter 1:Moving Pictures

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Henry opened the door to the workshop and said as he entered, "Alright Joey. I'm here. Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see." When I entered the workshop, I gasped in awe, the workshop was galore and said, "Wow this is amazing! I never seen what it looks inside before. It's been 30 years to see it." "Yep sure is," Henry said and turns to me while walking, "Come on follow me so you don't get lost." I agreed and follow him as we made our way through a room with a writing of ink that read: Dreams Come True. We couldn't go through other rooms because each door was locked, so it was a long time and it was my first time exploring it, if I did explore it when I was little, I could still remember a piece of it.

It seemed pretty strange to me, but I didn't argue with that. As we continued to walk, I noticed that everywhere we go, there were Bendy stuff like clocks and posters for example. We continued walking for a long time, but I didn't care as long as we find out what Joey wants from me and Henry, or lets say my dad. Joey never wrote anything about me that has to go in, but I'm glad.

We then entered a big room where see a big gap. I noticed that there was a lift and next to it were empty things that work the switch which leads to the lift. "This lift could use a few dry cells," Henry said and turns to me, "Bianca can you check the chest right there on the left? There should some parts to fix the switch." I check the chest then opened it to find a power battery for the switch and put it in the empty slot. The next was on a shelf so I carried it next to the switch place where the battery I found was running. I finally got the last one in the slot and Henry then said, "Let's see what you're hiding down there, old friend."

He pulled the switch and the lift started to lift something up which revealed an ink machine, it was big yet so beautiful to look at. "Joey hid that for 30 years and he never told me." I said surprised, "He doesn't know that I'm gonna be here if he even notices."

"Yeah," said Henry as we walked back, "However this needs to be turned on. Follow me, we need to go to the power station." He leads me to a door that was unlocked and we headed downstairs. It was remarkable, the room was filled with two tables with  each three chairs and there were Bendy posters or shall I say the cartoons of each episode. Then there was a dartboard, my dad doesn't let me play it because it might be dangerous for me. I sat down on a chair and watched as Henry picked up three darts and throw them at the target. There was a door next to the dart board and I opened it to find bacon soup from Bendy. Of course I used to eat bacon, but never tried soup.

"This is the most bizarre soup I've ever eaten for my life," I say as I started to drink bacon soup, though it tasted good. "Why do you have other snacks in your backpack when you're eating the bacon soup," asked Henry as he peered in my backpack noticing there were snacks I packed from the house. I gulped and huffed, "Uh never mind about it, just put the bacon soup in my back pack in case we run out of snack from my house." Henry did so, not wanting to ask again and we continued to walk, but stopped to come a dead end at the corner. The room was boarded up with wood.

We decided to head back upstairs, as we made our way up there more bacon soup to store in my back pack if there is more of it, then I am not gonna have enough room for it. Suddenly a wooden board fell. "In here," Henry say going to the right and I went in with him. Inside must be the power room. "Alright how do I get this to work?" asked Henry and I noticed there were pedestals on the left and right side of the power room with a picture that represents a symbol or something. "Henry each pedestal represent an item to place on, maybe it can turn on the power." "You might be right Bianca, let's go and find them," He said as we left the power room but we ran into a pop up of cartoon Bendy. "Who put this here?!" cried Henry and I kinda laughed a little as we passed through Bendy. "Not funny," Henry groaned and I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on just laugh a little it not's that bad-"

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