I Meet the Huntress - Part 3

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I Meet the Huntress

     We hadn't seen or even heard of any other animal attacks for months. But the council sent a hunter anyway. I didn't know what to expect. I had never met another one of our kind before. The hunter was supposed to fly in on Saturday night, and my dad would have picked him up at the airport. But to our surprise, there was a knock at the door at eleven on Saturday morning. I answered the door and saw a gorgeous woman. She was a little taller than my mother, and was in business attire. She looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She looked athletic, with long curly light-brown hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes.

      I sounded like a total dork that had never seen a beautiful woman before. My voice broke as I asked, "Can I help you?"

     She stared intensely into my eyes. "Yes, my name is Mya Fuentes. I'm looking for Luis and Nadya Teroo."

     My mother came to the door, and her face lit up. "Mya, is that you?"

     Mya's face lit up as well as she rushed toward my mother and hugged her. My mother turned toward me. "Mya, this is Angel. Angel, this is Mya. We go way back."

     I just stood there, not knowing what to do with myself. I was so smooth that the only thing that left my mouth was "Hi."

     Mya bowed her head toward me then asked my mother, "So where's Luis?"

     "Luis will be home soon. He is just getting some groceries," my mother answered. "Why didn't you tell us you were in the area?"

     Mya stood straight and tried to put on a serious face, though you could still see a slight smirk.

     "I'm the hunter the council sent," Mya said with an authoritative tone while taking on a military stance. She immediately broke character and smiled. "When I saw your names on the request forms, I volunteered. I then asked the council not to inform you on the details. I wanted to surprise you both."

     That surprised me; I didn't know girls could be hunters. I also realized that if Mya looked to be in her late twenties she must have been older than my parents. I sort of wanted to ask her age, but knew that it would be rude.

     For the next couple of weeks, my dad or mom would go out with Mya during the day looking for tracks, trying to find any evidence that the pack of werewolves that attacked us were still in the area. But nothing turned up, which I guess was good news, but I was getting a little frustrated at the situation. Not because of the werewolves or lack thereof but because Mya was taking up all of my father's time.

     I had nothing against Mya. She was really nice and actually pretty cool to be around, but I had learned so much from my dad. I wasn't just pushing things with my telekinesis; I could pull and lift things by just looking at them. But since Mya showed up, I hadn't really learned anything new.

     Finally, after a few weeks of barely seeing him, my dad came up to me. "Mya and I found a perfect spot deep in the woods we want to show you."

     I yelped, "The woods? Really!.."

     I hadn't been anywhere near anything that even resembled a park since the werewolves attacked. But I didn't want to seem scared or worried because I wasn't. I was just being cautious. Yeah, that's it, cautious. So I agreed.

     That Saturday, we all went together—my mom, dad, Mya, and me. It was around ten in the morning when we got to the national park. When my dad said the spot was deep in the woods, he meant it. It took a few hours of hiking to get there. Luckily, we weren't logging anything heavy with us. We each just took a regular backpack. In my backpack, I just brought a small towel to sit on, a couple of granola bars, a sandwich, and a couple bottles of water.

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