I have a half brother! - Part 4

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I Have a Half Brother!

     My dad and Mya rented some space in a small dojo for us to train for the next couple of months between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The dojo looked like it had seen better days. It was run-down and had very few students. Heck, the place was empty most of the time, and the sensei would usually be taking a nap or just left early. The sensei was an older gentleman, but you could tell he knew what he was talking about by how he carried himself. But he was very old; he looked like he was ready to retire.

     Months came and went, and training with Mya was no picnic. At first it was really boring. She was teaching me things I already knew or at least was already familiar with, like throwing punches, kicks, reverse punches and kicks, front kicks, side-kicks, back-kicks, combinations, and forms. Well, you get the idea.

     One day, I finally had enough and spoke out. "I already know all this. Let's get to some hard stuff!" I exclaimed.

     "Hard stuff?" Mya repeated. "Angel, knowing this stuff, as you put it, and knowing how to apply it are two different things," she explained in a stern voice. "But maybe you're right. You seem to know this stuff, so let's start applying it."

     I was glad we were finally going to get to some serious training. But something about the way she said "Let's start applying it" made me feel I might regret pushing her.

     From that day on, the first fifteen to twenty minutes of every class were spent learning a new form or technique. The following hours were spent sparring until I pulled off the new technique. And to make sure I wouldn't use my telekinesis, Mya would make me wear this leather-strapped necklace with what appeared to be a large silver bead with a blue gemstone in the middle.

     "The bead is made from a similar metal alloy as your father's sword. The alloy absorbs kinetic energy, making the blue gemstone glow, letting me know you are using your telekinetic abilities," Mya explained. "If at any time I see that gemstone glow, I will be twice as hard on you for cheating!"

     As the months passed, our sparring matches were getting more and more intense, and I was beginning to think I could really take her on. So one afternoon, like so many others before, we started sparring. But this time, I was the aggressor.

     I was constantly attacking, trying to keep her on the defensive, and it was working. I would not give her a chance to think. My main goal was to keep her from countering me. I threw punches and kicks, trying to keep her off balance. I kept trying to land a hit, but she was able to block everything I threw at her.

     Mya kept stepping back, attempting to keep some space between us, so I knew it would only be a matter of time before she ran out of room.

     I had finally cornered her. I decided to sweep and then pin her down. Well, I swept. I even felt my leg hit her as I took her feet from under her. By the time I had turned to face Mya and pin her down, she had rolled on the ground, gotten on her feet, and was in my face.

     Mya then hit me in the face with her right forearm and reverse punched me on the side of my head with the same arm. She hit me so hard that I dropped to the ground.

     She had never hit me that hard before. My vision was blurred; I was seeing double. As I focused, I realized this whole time she had been going easy on me. I felt so embarrassed. I then did something very stupid. I let anger get the best of me. I felt a pull in my chest as my aura came alive around me.

     I stood up and faced Mya. She stared straight back at me. We were about five feet away from each other. She actually gave a small taunting laugh.

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