I'm sorry

247 2 65

*Dead Characters Only*

Black, void, emptiness. That's all Taka felt for the longest time. It felt like centuries, but was really only seconds before his sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smell flooded back into, like they had been turned off and someone just flipped a switch. A dull throbbing pain in the back of his head made him groan as he sat up.

And came face to face with none other than (Y/C). Mouth agape, he stared in silence as the tearducts kicked on and two salty rivers flowed down his face. He remembered what happened, Hifumi tricking him, a hammsr swinging at his head. Taka having no time to react.

He was dead. That realization dawned on him as he stared at the person in front of him, noticing the gold halo over their head and the faint outline of angel wings in the light. "I-I'm sorry I couldn't protect you! I wasn't strong enough, I wasn't a good enough leader!! If I had been better, everyone would still be alive!! This is all my fault!!" He cried out as a pair of arms enveloped him into a warm, comforting hug. "I-I-I'm so sorry for failing all of you!"

<[ Angst and Comfort.. honestly one of my favourite genres of stuff... ]>

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