Black Lives Matter

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              It's been years since I've really been back on this platform, and I'm now a 19 year old woman. I've graduated from high school, spoke in front of my class, and got accepted to a damn good college (even though my college be on some foolishness). I've gone back and read some of the things I wrote in high school, and most of it sounds like it comes from a girl who was hurt and angry at the world. And to be fair, I still hold most of those thoughts that I had when I was younger. 

The hurt, anger, sadness, and fear that I feel living in this excuse of a country is ridiculous. We are human, we feel the same thing as others, our lives matter just as any other person. My heart hurts and bleeds for all the lives that have been snuffed out and stolen by murders that are protected by this deplorable system. Honestly, these riots and protest were bound to happen, you can't sit here and try to keep a people down for this long. And how the United States is reacting to this really shows their true colors. The world is watching, you will be held accountable. Stop protecting murders.

In the normal fashion of my rants or sounds off....

-I don't know if it's just me but, I'm getting so sick and tired of seeing black bodies floating around the fucking media. They have no fucking respect at all, these people have no type of honor for allowing these videos of my people getting fucking murdered. When those journalist got taken hostage all those years ago, did we ever see any videos of these people being killed? I understand that we need these videos for evidence to get these horrible ass people on camera, but it kills me inside to watch these videos. 

-I stand by this when I say this, black lives matter. And if you say all lives matter to combat that, you're apart of the issue. All Lives Matter when Black Lives matter. 

- To my fellow POCs who are actively advocating for us, thank you so much for standing by us when we need your help. But to those certain POCs that say, "what about us? we matter too." No one said that you don't matter. But you taking the time to complain about about this shows your colors too. We have stood by y'all, why can't you do the same for us. 

- To the white people who are advocating for us for the right reasons and not for the fact that it's 'trendy' to do so atm. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

-To all the other ones those who are acting out of pocket and showing they ass..... Fuck you. I mean it with the utmost respect. Fuck yo mamas, yo daddies, yo mammies and ya grand pappies and I hope you catch what's coming to you. 

I personally feel like if you have an issue with the looting over people losing their lives, you showing your whollleee asss. It's not even the protestors doing this, in fact there is video evidence of protestors banding together to stop looters. And to be fair if the city burns down... BITCH IT CAN BE REBUILT, GET OVER IT, LIVES CAN'T BE RECLAIMED THO!! Like wtf, people be getting so pressed about it. Anyway, please I beg of you to turn to each other for support rather than turning against one another. 

And here are some ways you can support the black lives matter movement. 

-Go out there and protest. If you are please be safe while doing this, these moos have been ruthless and inciting violence at the protest. Look out for one another as well as your self, keep your self hydrated.

- If you can't protest you can always sign petitions:

- You can donate! And if you aren't in the position to donate here are some videos you can watch to help raise money!:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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