Chapter 13 (part B): Dane's debut (on the debut)

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A/N:In this part, Ethan's the one who' driving K? NOW ON TO DA STOREH!!! seeya!!!!

Ethan: guys!!! we're here!
Emma:Jayda!! wakeup
Jayda:what? what? I'm a wake!!
Jayden: c'mon let's go!

>>>>>>>>>>inside the event area<<<<<<<<<<<
Emma:*sees Dane; DANEY!!!!!
Dane:EMMY!!!, it's been so long!, oh meet Luke (Hemmings) my friend
Jayda: you must be really close, huh?
Dane:SO close
Oh!, I have to get ready. bye!!
Luke:*sees Dane going to the dressing room; Hey umm Emma is that your name?
Emma: yeah, why?
Luke: well, today is Dane's 18th birthday right?, so what I'm going to do for her is a surprise. I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend, can you PLEASE keep that as a secret
Emma: of course!!!
Luke: ok thankyou, sorry I have to go now
Emma:ok bye!!

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