chapter 13: Dane's debut (part C) (the proposal of Luke)

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When Dane goes down (being accompanied by Luke)........

Luke:*in his mind; I hope she says yes (10x)
Dane: Luke you have a problem?
Luke: nope, not at all

at the proposal....
Dane:* says while Luke, her brother and the other 5sos members are dancing and singing; WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! 
Luke: Dane? *kneels down, will you be my girlfriend
Dane: *says in shock; YES OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emma: cuteness overload!!

After the debut....

Jayda: congratulations Dane!!
Dane:Thankyou!!, TBH it was really weird
Emma; HAYLL NAW!(HELL NO!) it was so cute
Jayden: *butts in: sorry to disturb you ladies but we have to go now
Dane:ok bye!!!!

I'm in love with my bestfriendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz