Chapter 1

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Chapter One by (@RandomWeirdOne on pinterest)

Devin was not so sure about this plan of Heath's.

For starters, she didn't even know what his plan was. She knew that it was a way for them to not sleep in the woods and she knew that Heath and his sister had a minor argument about it. Apparently Raina wasn't sure if going to ask "him" for help was a good idea because Olivina would expect "him" to help their little group of outlaws. They ending up going with Heath's mystery plan anyway.

So they stood in an awkward little clump in front of an apartment door that Heath had just knocked on, waiting in silence. The door opened and Devin was faced with a young man that she vaguely recognized. He had curly blond hair that fell into violet eyes and he looked very surprised to see them there.

"Heath?" he said, "Rai- what are you all doing here?"

"We're outlaws now, heard you've got some experience with that." Heath said almost awkwardly.

That's when it hit Devin, this was Prince Jaxon Porter. She had heard a little bit about him. Not much as Royal Academy didn't really study the details of the war with Rumplestiltskin, but Devin knew who he was.

"Come in." Jaxon said, stepping aside to let them through the doors.

Devin and her friends made their way inside and sat where they could, several of them on the floor.

"Sorry there's not much furniture," Jaxon apologized, "Gilly and I move like every month to meet with the different ambassadors and then meet with the royal court. All this stuff was here when we got here."

"Prince Jaxon-" Devin started.

"Sorry, stopping you there, my name is Jax." 

"Jax we need help. The fairygodmother is evil and we need to stop her." 

He laughed, "I knew that woman was selfish, so I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm not sure what your asking me to to do exactly." 

The sound of a lock clicking and the door opening interrupted the conversation. A young woman Jax's age stood in the doorway. Brown hair was tied back in a braid and her face conveyed pure confusion. Devin was able to recognize her instantly as Gillian Cobbler. 

"Uh Jax," Gilly said hesitantly, "Why are there a bunch of kids here?" 

Gilly scanned their faces. "Correction why are there a bunch of royal kids here?" 

Devin was the first to speak. "The fairygodmother is evil-"

"I could have told you that." 

"-and we need help to stop her." 

Gilly looked thoughtful, then glanced at Jax. 

"I don't know what they want us to do." Jax said. 

Gilly laughed, "I think it's kinda obvious. They need someone to help them plan and act. Who better then some competent adults who did this when they were kids?" 

"I know that you did not call yourself competent." Jax deadpanned. 

"Fine, experienced adults." Gilly said, "C'mon Jax, imagine what kind of help it would have been if we had an adult who actually helped us when we were fighting Rump." 

Jax looked thoughtful and Devin felt herself getting hopeful. "Theif," Jax said. 

"Jax, I want to help and I haven't done anything illegal in eight years-" 

"That's a lie." 

"-lets beat another baddie." Gilly said smiling, "What do you say, Escape Artist, how about another adventure?"

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