Chapter 2

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(by yours truly)

"We've made a map of all the places she could be hiding." Heath had taken charge of the affair, from gathering the map to getting everyone settled to making several apologies to Jax and Gilly for intruding on their hospitality. Dislike fancy affairs though he might, Heath was a model royal.

Gilly gestured to a section of the map that Sasha had carefully outlined in red marker. Inscribed below were the words "notable villain activity". Jax had a hand on her shoulder, as if he almost couldn't keep himself from touching her. Devin's eyes flickered, for some stupid reason, to Heath, and she blushed furiously. Heath glanced at her, looking confused. "What does this mean?" Gilly asked.

Sasha drew a copy of the mini magical scroll Prue had given her before she went into hiding. On it was a copy of her latest Enchsntasia Insider article. "There's been a spike of villain activity in that section of Enchantasia," she explained. "Necromancy, summoning spells, potion trade, the usual. Some of Olivina's elves have been spotted there, possibly fetching her ingredients. A source of mine trailed an elf looking for Rumpelstiltskin's rhubarb muffin recipe."

Gilly groaned. "Not those again."

Jax narrowed his eyes. "How do you know that?"

Sasha glared at him. "I have plenty of sources."

"If that's true, why didn't our scouts pick it up?" Gilly asked, brow furrowed.

"They weren't looking hard enough." Heath gestured to the image of a market designed beside the area. "Sasha's spies went undercover as villain accomplices in the market and got passage through. It's a black market, you see. Gotta have the proper credentials."

"They'll never let me anywhere near it," Jax grumbled. "Everyone knows my face. I can't play villain to save my life."

Gilly grinned at him. "You did a pretty good job when we were younger. Sure had me fooled."

Jax's lip quirked upward. "Ok, but it won't work this time. I'll have to run surveillance while someone else checks it out."

"I'll do it with you," Raina piped up. "I'm not impersonating any villains. Period."

"The rest of us can get in. We're already outlaws." Devin looked at Gilly. "Could you do it?"

Gilly shrugged. "I work with the court, but I don't think anyone would be surprised to see an ex-convict at a black market."

Jax raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine," she insisted. "Someone has to lead these kids. We'll keep in touch with you the whole way. I promise."
Everyone seemed to be watching Jax. He finally sighed, looking resigned. "Alright. But nothing too dangerous. Get in, get info, get out. Don't beat up anyone you don't have to."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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