The Injustice

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Those of you watching the news are well aware of many atrocities happening lately.
If you are not American I'm thankful for you. You do not want to be here in this country right now. I often turn on the TV or click onto Reddit only to be sobbing. It's horrifying. It takes me a great deal to start crying. It was technically the very first time I went onto Reddit for a while after seeing the news for the first time in a month I think that I cried.

The first time I actually looked at the chaos and depravity around me I started sobbing. This is no place to live.
There are children, watching this happen, full of fear. Everyone is at fault, not just the police.
People are raiding innocent stores, destroying what other, good people need, wasting..
Police are brutal. The fascist government and rising dictatorship of Donald Trump is abominable, but what the hell can I alone do?
Cops are murdering people thoughtlessly, viewing themselves like some sort of hero while protesters blame all policemen.
It is ridiculous.

Just because one man kills an innocent person with a dozen people watching doesn't mean the cops standing and watching a peaceful rally will do the same. The behavior is abhorrent, and any logical person knows this.
People shouldn't attribute one's behavior to all. Some cops are just doing their jobs, going home and sobbing themselves at the injustice all around them, with families of their own.
We should be yelling at the cops who abuse their position and arrest innocent people, who shoot at peaceful rallies, use force to injure those pointing out their cruelty just to satiate their ego. Those are the men at fault.

And as for the protesters.
You scream and accuse every man wearing the uniform blindly, when only a fraction are so corrupt they will beat you. Before you attack a man or woman in uniform, understand. They have a job that they cannot argue against. They have innocent lives that they lead after work, where they may even protest silently. For all you know, there could be an off-duty policeman in the very rally you participate in.
And the raids. They're unfair to the people owning the buildings, cruel to the workers present. It's repulsive to take the money from them when they're already struggling to earn it due to the pandemic that's still happening in all this madness.

Countless lives are lost every day in horrible ways. And everyone is handling it so poorly. I don't know what to do, I only spoke up because I was called to. I don't want to set off any more people, it would help no one. I just want people to use a little logic.
This country is fundamentally flawed, I've known this almost my entire life. I'm glad it's finally apparent, I just wish it wouldn't have to be this way.

I accept that revolutions happen, I can see the beginnings of one here even now. Though whether it will take off or die in the mud is still to be determined. I just hope the children aren't exposed to this madness. They don't deserve this, but they deserve a world worth living in.
One that isn't dying and falling into chaos.
One with insanity at so many turns, terror at every corner, and violence in some form no matter where you look.

This world is burning.
Not just figuratively, it's literally still burning in places. Australia and the Amazon rainforest are still on fire during all of this chaos.

The Burning World.

Can you tag people to read this important message?
Or will it die, too?



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