Chapter 1

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*3rd Person P.O.V.*

Bryce felt on the moon as he was with Tayler. They had found their love for each other and became boyfriends last night. They planned to tell all the boys the next day, and cuddled whispering sweet nothings until they both slipped into sweet unconscious.

*Bryce's P.O.V.*

I woke up to see Tayler softly playing the piano in front of me. He had his headphones in so he could only hear it, but still barely pushed the keys down.

He was faced away from me, so he couldn't see or hear me. I crawled to the end of his bed and saw he was fully dressed in a dress shirt, black pants, a rolex, and a pair of fancy ass slip-on shoes.

I, of course, was still in my boxers, a plain long-sleeved shirt and fuzzy pants since I just woke up. I just looked at the chords he played and tried to imagine what they sounded like.

Tayler sings quietly, "You were loving me, my baby. Calling me, telling me everything that you have just been through. And I said,'Okay my baby, everything will be alright! I'll never let you out of my sight. I'll hold you in my arms and I'll hold you so tight."

I stare at him in awe at the wonderful sounds leaving his soft lips. Thinking of how I should let him know I'm awake, Tayler turns the opposite direction I am.

(He looked over his right shoulder, while Bryce was on his left.)

Tayler slightly freaked out when he didn't see me on the bed, I then say,"Tayler, other side!"

He jumps slightly before slowly turning around,"Thank God! I thought you left without telling me."

I pull his headphones off,"Nope, I was just admiring the music!"

Tayler snickered and smiled at me.

I smiled back and said,"Why are you dressed so fancy Tayler?"

He replied,"I have a meeting at my job at 10." I frown,"It's a Saturday, why can't jobs respect your days off, you've worked there for 3 years?"

Tayler says happily,"Because this meeting is about my ability to only have to go into work once a month, and work from home every other day."

He adds,"And I'm getting a raise with the possibility of more days off. Since I just hit the 3 year mark, I'm getting perks for my 'loyalty to the company'!"

Hearing this, I grip my arms around Tayler whispering,"Does that mean we get to be with each other more?"

Tayler nods and asks,"Okay Bryce, what shall we eat for breakfast?"

I tell him as I unwrap myself from his waist,"You pick!"

He responds,"Waffles?"

I then say,"Okay! Stay here while I go make some."

Before he can object, I ran to the kitchen and start the waffles.

As I'm making the final batch, I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, then rubbing my stomach gently,"Baby, I could have made breakfast for us."

I blush and my head shot up at the nickname. I ask,"Umm, what did you just say?"

Tayler tells, "Oh sorry, do you not do pet names? I'm so sorry Bryce, I just thought-"

I cut him off,"No it was cute, I just wasn't expecting it."

I cut strawberries in half, then placing them among the waffles. I place our plates on the table, setting them down then next to each other.

Male Pregnancy (Bryce × Tayler)Where stories live. Discover now