Chapter 1

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  It was 12pm on a cool crisp night in the middle of February and I was running, running for my life.
I barely had any breath left and my muscles were aching from the exertion I'd put them through.
Damn, I was down to one more bullet too. I hope I made it to my destination before one of the Borkens caught up to me. Borkens are these shape shifting nasty beasts who have super speed and  strengh. They resemble a werewolf but more terrifying. So yes they do look like humans before they transform. I've been tracking them for a while trying to find their leader Marcel, but no luck yet. I swear my life was nothing but a never ending cycle of bull hockey. You would think the universe would be willing to give a break to a 17yr old orphaned girl that's been through more traumatic experiences than necessary. To make matters worse, I stick out like a sore thumb with my alabaster skin, glowing red hair like a phoenix in flame and sparkling emerald green eyes. On the upside I am pretty short so it's easier to hide behind things haha. Anyways, I wouldn't have made it has far as I have if it hadn't of been for Dr. Wainwright and his family. They found me when I was about 10yrs old, pick pocketing for food on the eastern side of Desteria. Said they sensed something special about me and been taking care of me every since. I sure am glad they found me. I love my family and would do anything in my power to protect them as they have done for me over the years.
I'm just about drained of my energy and ready to give up when I finally see our house come into view. It's 3 stories tall on 15 acres out in the middle of nowhere and completely walled in, for protection purposes of course.
"Ray, open up!! I need some help out here!"
I call out to my older brother to open up, as I'm getting close I see him pop up over the walkway above the wall and start opening the gate. My brother is pretty tall and extremely muscular for a 20 yr old. Top it off he's got deep penetrating brown eyes and long blond hair he wears in a braid, shaved on the sides like a viking. One look and you'd be intimidated but he's honestly got the biggest heart of gold and the loyalist person you'll ever meet. The Borkens are starting to draw in really close now, Ray gives me some cover with his compound crossbow so I can make it in before the gate goes back down.
" Damnit, Hurry up, Elora!"
Just as he utters those words I slide under the gate and it seals.
Raymond comes running down the steps from the fort in the wall, "So I take it you had an exciting night?" He asks me.
"Yeah, you could call it that" I tell him sarcastically. "Did we ever receive word from The Council about the impending war?"
"Yes we did and you're not going to like it, but we can talk more about in the living room once you've cleaned up."
"Ugh fine, I'll be down in a bit."
I walk through the foyer and run up the stairs to the second floor. I really just want to soak in a hot bath and then go to sleep but if The Council has information I have to find out what's up. I enter my room and head towards the bathroom. I give myself a good once over to see how bad my injuries are from the nights tracking, or should I say failed tracking chuckling to myself. I don't look too bad, nothing to worry with. I strip out of my black clothing (honestly that's the only color I ever wear) and step into the hot shower. Once I've finished I dry off, get dressed and head downstairs to talk with my family. I enter the living room to see my brother sitting on the sofa scrolling through TV channels but don't see mom or dad anywhere. "Hey Ray where's mother and father?"
"Oh hey El, they're in dad's study. You'll need to go in there and talk with them."
I give an affirmative nod, exit the living room and head down the hallway to my father's study. While I'm walking I can give you a little bit of a mental rundown about my parents. Rebekah Wainwright, my adoptive mother is tall and slim with straight as a pin waist length golden hair and the brightest pale blue eyes you'll ever see. She's strong and assertive but also very compassionate when she's not being tough. She's also the headmaster to one of the most prestigious all things supernatural Academy in Desteria. Dr. Morphius Wainwright is my adoptive father, he more or less works for The Council on all matters medical that deals with the supernatural but he's a pretty excellent fighter as well. He's slightly taller than my brother and just as muscular. He's got intense murky brown eyes, medium length dark wavy brown hair; also shaved on the sides, that he wears tied back with a leather strap. My father is pretty serious with everything and strict too but he does have a softer side even if he doesn't show it very much.
I can hear my parents whispering when I get close to the door, all I can make out is "...she has the right to know Morphius!" I knock on the door and push it open. My dad is sitting at his desk with a bunch of papers in front of him and my mother is standing in front of it, both of them looking rather distressed. I speak up first, "So Raymond tells me that The Council has finally sent word on what we're to do?" My father replies first "Yes they have Elora and it's not good news. They say they have received word the Borkens and their Leader Marcel are planning an attack soon and rumors are he has the Warlocks on his side." Then my mother says "The Council wants you and your brother to come to their training camp to help recruits from the academy, since you both have first hand experience in combat. You both leave first thing tomorrow morning."
"Well that's just great! Exactly what I wanted to hear" I reply sarcastically. Like I really wanted to be stuck training a bunch of students. Mentally rolls eyes, yes they're all pretty much going to be the same age as me but I'm not mentally that age and won't have time for childishness.
"Well how many new recruits are there and will it just be Ray and I doing the training?"
"No, there will be about five other instructors. There are 200 witches, 300 Elves, 100 vampyr, and about 200 Dryads, 100 Fae and 150 dwarves" my mother informs me.
"Well looks like I need to go start getting my things packed and ready to go. How long will the training be for? And have you guys told Ray already?"
"Yes we have already informed your brother. The training will be until time of attack, so make sure you teach them everything they need to know in a quick efficient manner" my father sighs out.
"Alright. Good night mother, father."

Looks like I better start packing even though I really don't want to go because no one goes against The Council unless they want to receive punishment. I'm also seriously wondering what my parents were discussing before I walked in but I'd rather not let them know I was eavesdropping. Maybe I can get some information out of some of the recruits while I'm at the training camp. The good news is at least I'll have my big bro there with me, so it shouldn't be as boring.

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