Chains 1

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It was the day after their successful Global Live Fanmeeting, both of them are watching the news as they eat their breakfast. 

"This news just came in,  Famous Actors Singto Prachaya and Krist Perawat spotted kissing at a car park."

Both of them froze. 

"A video was posted on Social Media by one fan who happens to follow them at the parking lot where they are seen kissing outside Singto's car."

Singto look at the younger. "Kit" he called,almost whispered.

"We... We have to.. we need to clear this.. " the younger said as he stand up. Singto holds Krist's hands. 

"Don't you think it's time? Maybe this is destined for us to come out. " Singto said. 

"Are you hearing what you're saying?  At times like this? We are at our peak Sing! Are you ready to give it up!?" He exclaimed. 

"What are we going to do?  Deny us? You said... We will... " the older stuttered. 

"I never said anything. You are the one who said it before" Singto's eyes widen..

Hurt .. Krist's words stabbed him. 

"I will clear this up. This will be better for the both of us, for our career,  for our future" Krist can't look at the older. He knows,  he knows the other is hurting. 

He have to be firm, he have to secure everything,  for him,  for his family,  for his beloved Singto.

Singto stand up..



"Are you not tired of this?  Us hiding?  Are we.. Are we going to stay like this forever? " He said as he look at Krist's eyes. 

"Can't we stay like this? Safe,  away from the accusing eyes of the society.  What your asking will be hard..  for us.. For our families.." Krist looked back, staring at Singto's tearing eyes. 

Tears...  All he can see are the tears falling from that beautiful eyes. Those eyes that he promised he would not let a single tear fall.

He can't bear it.. He might give in.. 

He let go of Singto's hand and look away.  He won't cry, he needs to be strong.

" I will leave now. Let's not see each other for the meantime" he grab his stuff and walk towards the door. 

He look back at Singto "Please.. just.. just tell them we are nothing but friends." he said almost whispered. 

But Singto heard it clearly and it hit him.. Friends..

Loosing all his strength,  he dropped on the floor, crying..


He stayed at that spot for hours crying his heart out. The word keeps repeating on his head until he passed out. 



Krist got back at his place and flop down on his couch. 

The tears that he is holding back suddenly fall. 

"Friends.." his own words ringing back on him. "Nothing but friends"

It's slowly consuming him.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that I hurt you..  I'm sorry for making you cry.." he muttered, even though he knows that saying sorry is not enough to take away the pain. 

He grabbed his phone as he look at a smiling Singto. How he love to see that smile everyday.. 

But now he knows,  he might not see it again.. 

He tried to hold back the tears as he open his account,  he wants to know.. 

He wants to see what people are saying.. 

He browsed.. Trying to look for the video.. 

He saw it. Him and his beloved Singto,  kissing that night. 

He remembered he was saying goodbye to him and telling him that he will go later to spend the night with him. 

He check the comments. 

"Disgusting! I thought they are straight!"

"They said their straight!  Liars! "

"How can they be so insensitive!  They should be remove by their company"

"Is this the real reason for Krist's breakup? Singto should be ashamed!"

"Singto seduced our Krist! I told you all he is gay!"

He read each and every harsh and accusing comments. Each one was like a knife stabbing him.. But what hurt him the most are those comments about his beloved.. Tears started to fall but he continue.

"oh my gosh!  I told you they are real!  I support you both!"

"Peraya will support you! We know your real!"

"We both love you!  🤘💙"

"Finally! We love you both! Peraya will always be here for you!"

He smiled,  seeing those words from their fans somehow lifted his misery but not enough to get rid of the pain. 

He continues to read until one comment shock him

"I saw Krist left the building where Singto lives! They are together last night!  They are real! "

he dropped his phone, "They saw me.. But I was really careful."

He rest his body on the couch,  crying.. All he can do now is to cry the pain and the misery he is feeling.

He waa lost in his thoughts when he felt something jumped at him. 

"Pluto..." he whispered. The cat laid down on his stomach and he hug him. 

"Are you here to cheer me up? Are you sad as well?"  the cat looked at him as if he is understanding Krist. 

"You know it right? Daddy loves him so much, he is my world..." he started to cry harder. 

"I.. I just don't want to let anyone hurt him.." he whispered cause that last part hit him..

"I hur..I hurt him today.. He cried.. I wanted to wipe those tears.. I want to stay by his side"

He poured his heart out to his cat whom since he arrive is looking at him. 

After an hour of crying,  he stood up and fix himself. He is determined to clear this up.. 

" We need to go.. I will try to clear this today. "


Comments are welcome.  Would love to hear your feedback on my first chapter. 

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