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A year had pass since that day..

A man is now looking at the photos.. 

Photos of the past..

Photos of their first series.. 

Photos of their fanmeetings.. 

Photos of their meetups that no one knew.. 

Photos of a happy him and his love.. 

He walks out of his car and towards the famous Rama VIII bridge and smiled.. 

He was almost with him that day.. 

He would have ended his misery where there is no Singto.. No happiness.. No meaning in life.. 

He would have been with him if P'Jane had not stop and drag him back.. 


"Wait for me my love" Krist decided to end everything that time.. He was about to jump off when someone pulled him back, he fell hard on the cold sidewalk. 

"What are you thinking?! DO YOU THINK SINGTO WILL BE HAPPY IF HE KNEW YOU ARE BEING LIKE THIS!!" the young man look at the person and it was P'Jane with his manager. 

Both crying.. 

"You think he would allow you to make the same mistake he did!" the manager exclaimed. 

"He is gone but you can still correct everything. Live your life again."

***end of flashback***

Remembering that day brings tears in his eyes. 

"Is it worth living like this Sing.. Without you by my side.. It feels so empty..." Krist said as he look at the morning sky

He suddenly felt a cold breeze brush onto his cheeks. 

He cried again.. He knew it was Singto who made him feel that.. As if he was being kissed by the latter. 

He went for a short walk and into a nearby park. 

He sat himself at a nearby bench where he can see kids playing that morning.. 

He hung his head low and let his tears fall. He miss him so much. His Singto.. His life..

A few moments later when he felt a hand on his knees. 

He look up to see who it was and saw a young boy looking at him.. 

'Those eyes' he thought.  The boy suddenly tap his cheeks and smiled at him. 

krist eyes widens as he stare at the boy.. 

A smile appeared on his lips. 

He wiped away his tears and talk to the young boy. 

" What's your name baby boy?" he ask. 

"Sinto" the boy answered..  Krist was not sure if he heard the young boy correctly but he could not stop himself from smiling. 

"Why are you alone? Where are your parents baby boy?" he ask as he let the kid sit beside him. 

The young boy sat beside him and lay down on his lap. 

Warmth. That is the feeling Krist is having that time. 

A familiar warmth that he use to feel. 

He caress the young boy's hair and hum a song for the kid. 

He couldn't leave the kid there since his parents might look for him. 

He hummed to their song "My Smile" as he look at the sky.. Tears falling again.. 

He close his eyes as an image of his Singto appeared

"Live your life now Kit.  I will be waiting here for you at the right time. We will be together again." his love said,  smiling..

Krist tried to speak but no words came out.  He tried to reach him but he couldn't..  

He opened his eyes as if he was having a nightmare.. 

He look at his lap and the kid was gone. 

He stood up and look for the kid. He tried to ask some people around the park but no one notice the kid he is describing. 

"Is he.. Is he my Singto?" Kit said as he remember the kid's look at him and his smile.. 

They are just like his. 


That night..  Krist was alone in his room. 

Arranging his stuff and packing everything. 

He left his cat Pluto with his family as he wants to be alone that night. 

He went near his desk and grab a piece of paper and a pen. 

He wrote down a letter. 

-- To whoever will find this, 

I will be leaving now, I endured everything since that night. That night I was left by the love of my life.

I endured this 1 year smiling, being happy infront of everyone when I feel so empty and lonely inside. 

I endured all the critism thrown to me not just by fans but by people. I endured it cause I need to show how strong I was but deep down,  I'm dying.

To my family,  I am sorry if I ever cause you trouble this past year. This will be the last time I will give you a problem. 

To my friends,  thank you for being there to help me try to live my life again, I'm sorry but I just can't do it anymore. 

To my fans,  our fans, this is my last thank you to you all.  I will need to rest and follow my heart. Please be happy always and live your life to the fullest. 

Lastly,  to my Singto,  finally..  Just wait for me. I will be coming.  Let us be together again. Let me be with you now and forever."

He left the note on his desk.

He went outside on his balcony while crying as he prepare everything. He hold on to the rope.

"If I did not get the chance to follow you last time.

Let me follow you this time." he said as he place the rope around his neck and stood at the edge of his balcony. 

"If this is just a nightmare, I will be waking up now and see you again my love. My singto." He said one last time and jump off, hanging himself. 

Taking away the last thing that is connecting him in this harsh world. 

With one last look at the night sky. 

He smiled.


Not all story has a happy ending.. 

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