The untold truth

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I ran back to the cabin , in shock I didn't even realize what just had happened then I heard keys coming from the door...

"Honey ! Sorry I worked late i'm here now! How did your transformation go?!"

Then she saw me, she was middle age lady with dark black hair and dressed as a nurse.

"Who are you?" She said

Me:" Your son's friend!"

" Where is he?" She asked

Me:" Not here"

"I'm Christina but call me Chris!"

Me:" I really got to get going! Its dark my dad must wonder where I am"

Chris:" Oh you shouldn't get outside ! Its dangerous. I'll drive you home tomorrow morning! For now call your dad and tell him where you are"

She hands me her phone , I call my dad and while it's ringing I go lock myself in the bathroom..

Dad:" Issys Delarosa, Where are you !?"

Me:" I'm sleeping at Leia's I'll come back tomorrow morning"

Dad:" I'm calling her parents! "

Me:" Don't! They're already all asleep and don't call them tomorrow because her parents will go to work really early! Plus I'll be home before you know it! I got to go! Love you"

Dad:" We'll have a little talk when your back ! Take care of yourself! Bye"

I could feel my dad's anger from here! I knew I was in deep crap! But for now I get out of the bathroom and I go to the living room , Carlos was back but really hurt..

Me:" What happened ? How did you get all these bruises! "

Carlos:" You don't need to know! "

Chris:" You see that's why I tell you the lesser friends the better! You could have died back there"

Me:" Die?"

Chris:" I imagine he already told you about himself!"

Me:" Yeah"

Carlos:" Look mom she's not just a friend and what I did back there ! I don't regret! At all"

Chris:" You must really like her!"

Carlos:" I love her!"

I was shook! I really thought he was the bad guy but I was wrong he actually wasn't!

Chris:" I'ma leave you too alone I have to go get band aids for your injuries

Me:" I'm sorry! For telling you that you belonged in a zoo ! I was scared of you!

Carlos:"you actually reacted better than most people! "

Me:" I love you Carlos ! And I don't care if your a wolf, a monkey or even a bug! But I need some explaining!"

Carlos:" My dad didn't die mysteriously! He got trapped by the hunters! We then had to move and they found were we lived ! So we moved here , to Oakwood"

Me:" Is your mom a wolf?"

Carlos:" No but, my dad is as I already told you."

Me:"Ok but how did you become a wolf ?"

Carlos:" When I was born my mom discovered I had inherited my dad's wolf gene ! You see i'm half human half wolf but some of us are just a 100% wolf !"

Me:"How can you transform whenever you want?"

Carlos:"It takes time to learn how to control it ! Some newborn wolf will just kill because they don't know how to control themselves it's not necessarily their decision! They just can't control themselves!"

Me:"So when did you learn to control yourself?"

Carlos:" I was 13 I lived in Cardintown,my old town, must of us lived there before the hunters found us!"

Everytime he talked, I felt like I liked him more and by hearing those stories I was just proud of him, now I could finally be part of his world.

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