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Hello, my name is Cianna White and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with my life. I'm 21 years old living in Seattle with my bestfriend Eli, short for Elizabeth. Oh and I forgot to mention that I'm an author, not a published one but that's what I'm hoping will happen in a few months.

You may be asking, why Seattle out of all places? Well you see, I love it here and everything about it.

I've tried living in other places but believe me I didn't last.

"Cianna I have a question for you" Eli tells me and she peaks her head of inside my room.

"What is it?"

"Could you like maybe.... go with me to a party tonight?" She asks.

"No Eli I've told you a million times I'm done partying." I respond.

"Oh come on Cianna you never want to do anything anymore, please just tonight" She begs.

"Who's party is it?" I ask.

"It's Connors, he's throwing it for his friend I guess it's his birthday or something" She responds.

"Fine but if it's boring I'm leaving" I give in.

"Yay!! Oh my god I'm so excited!!" She squeaks.

"Okay okay, now get out" I laugh.

When I turned 21 and even before I was out of control with the partying. I would go out almost every night and wake up every morning with a horrible hangover.

In a way I think I was doing it as a distraction from my own feelings and life. When I left New York I had so many things going on in my life. For starters, I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I was completely heartbroken.

Our breakup wasn't anything bad, we broke it off because he had gotten into a good university in California and I always knew I wasn't going to stay in New York and I definitely wasn't going to follow him.

It's so hard walking away from someone you love but it's always better to do what's best for yourself. So now I'm here in Seattle taking it day by day. I work at a publishing office and I hope to one day have a published book myself.

The day goes by pretty fast and I decide to get in the shower around 7pm. I can't believe Eli really has me going to this party with her.

Eli and myself are very different which is why I find it so hard to believe that we've been best friends since our middle school years. Eli is very outgoing and loud, she loves being the center of attention as I am the complete opposite. I like staying to myself and I hardly have any friends, besides Eli I only have 2 other girl friends and my guy bestfriend Josiah.

I start my makeup since it's the thing I take the longest on and in 2 hours I am finally done. I decided to straighten my hair tonight.

For an outfit I'm gonna go with a pair of high waisted  jeans with a black tube top and my white air forces. I throw on a beige cardigan and I am done.

"Eli are you ready it's almost 11" I yell.

"I'm ready, I'm ready" she responds.

"I can't believe I'm actually listening to you and going"

"Well it's too late to back out so let's go" she says as she claps her hands.

Before we get to the party let me summarize who Connor is Incase you were wondering. Connor is Eli's ex who she's been on and off with for about 2 years now. They've managed to stay friends but I know that they hookup every once in awhile.

When we arrived to Connor's apartment I instantly get nervous.

"Calm down Ci it'll be fine" She reassures me.

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