1. New Guy In Town

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Kaitlin's POV

I was casually walking down the street, staring. I do that often. I had my phone in my pocket, with my ear-buds attached, playing a song on repeat. Reprobate Romance by Blacklisted Me. I loved this song. I usually listened to more "hardcore music", but this song really spoke to me. In fact, I was trying to think about why that song spoke to me as I ran into the wooden post of a power line. "Ow! Holy hell!" I exclaimed as I fell flat on my bottom. "Gods! Mother fucking! Ugh!" I cursed at myself as I sat there for a minute, hoping to God no one saw that. I was such a cluts.

"Hey, are you okay?" A silky smooth slightly accented male voice said as a hand extended into my view, helping me to my feet. I led my eyes up the arm, stopping briefly on this tattoo on his forearm. It was a very detailed skull with a snake coming out of it's eye and a heart poking out from behind it, with a golden lock in the center of the heart. It was quite beautiful artwork. My eyes trailed the rest of the way up the arm, until I was face to face with one of the best looking guys I've ever seem. It was like he stepped right out of my computer screen. As if I had Google Imaged him.

He was easily over six feet tall. He has this fantastic "flippy emo boy" dark brown, almost black, hair that framed his slim face exquisitely. He had skinny, but soft slightly red looking lips which stood out on his face because of his pale skin. This yummy boy also had a piercing on the left side of his mouth, one those loop rings that go over your lip. The killer, though, was his deep emerald green eyes that you could just get lost in for hours.

I realised I was staring and tried, unsuccessfully, to seem cool. "I.. uh... Yeah. I'm okay." Wow. Good going girl. That was real smooth. He probably thinks you are an idiot. I thought to myself.

"Good. You took a pretty nasty fall there." He said brushing my hair behind my ear. "Try not to do that again." Gods, I could just melt right now.

"Yeah. Thank you." I said. Just then a thought came to mind. I've lived in this town almost my whole life and I know of pretty much everyone. I'm never met this kid before. I've never even seen him. I am positive I'd remember a guy that looked like he did wandering around here. "Hey, I've never seen you here before. Are you like visiting family?" I really wanted to start a conversation with this kid and get to know him.

"Actually, my dad and I just moved here. We moved in our house a couple days ago and I just had the chance to wander around and get to know the place." He flashed the most perfect white teeth ever at me. This kid could be a freaking model.

"Oh really?" My interest spiked. "Where from?"

"I've spent the last couple years living in England actually." He slightly chuckled "Believe it or not. We were up there to be with my family."

"Wow. Why on Earth would you move here from a place like England?" I said gesturing around me at our surroundings.

"My dad wanted a change of pace. He wanted a place far away from...." He trailed off looking sad.

"Are you okay?" I looked at him. I was worried I'd said something to upset him.

"Oh yeah." He perked right back up. "Hey, I got to go. You go to the high school right? Maybe I'll see you there."

"Oh yeah you will. What grade are you in?" I said a little disappointed that he was leaving.

"I'm a junior. The name's Jackson. Jackson Ridley." He smiled again. "What about you?"

"Kaitlin. Kaitlin Vines." I said trying to imitate him. "I'm a freshman." I was for some reason worried he wouldn't want to talk to me anymore since he found out I'm a dumb freshman.

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