3. Best in Class

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Emily's POV

        The lunchroom was filled up with people buzzing around and conversing about all kinds of idiotic topic. "Guess who's dating this one chick... Did you know that so and so is pregnant? That's why she had to leave the school... I think he is so cute... Guess where I'm going over Spring Break." All the kids talked about the same dumb hormonal drawl. Like it was so important to be in relationships and have sex with everyone that you possibly can.

        I personally found the whole thing to be quite redundant and stupid. I have no desire to date people and certainly no want to have intercourse and have even the slightest possibility of being knocked up. Kaitlin and I both always had this point of view, until high school, and just like everyone else, she got all goo goo eyed over cute boys. This new Jackson kid that she has been hanging out with for the past week was no exception to her "new views".

        Right now, at lunch, her and him were sitting at the same table as me, but completely ignoring everything around them. They were laughing and smiling about some unknown joke that only they were aware of. I already knew that she liked him a lot and wanted to date him, but I wasn't so sure about how he felt. He was one of those guys that people liked, hugged, joked, and flirted with everyone. Who knows? Maybe they will get together. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. They seemed like they had a real connection. I just hope that if they do get together, Kaitlin won't turn into one of those girls who thinks they need their boyfriend and won't shut up about them. I think I might just have to end her if she did.

        "So... guys.... want to share with the rest of the class?" I said to them to get their attention.

        "Oh... Sorry Em..." Kaitlin shying spoke, "I forgot you were there."

        "Yeah, Emily. I didn't mean to take Kaitlin's attention away like that." I couldn't tell if Jackson was being sincere or sarcastic. I am usually really good at reading people, but it was like this guy was permanently stuck on 'happy good guy mode' it would seem. Oh my God! He was the male version of the twins. My best friend might be going to be dating one of the twins, practically. I'm doomed. I thought to myself in horror. 

        "You forgot I was here." I said kind of annoyed at the concept. Of all people, Kaitlin Vines should never forget that I, Emily Kubric, am here. 

        "Oh Em, you know what I meant." Kaitlin rolled her eyes at me. Yeah, you seem to be forgetting I'm here a lot Kate. I thought in irritation. 

        "Okay. Yeah. Whatever. I have to go to Mr. Bosnic's class early to finish an assignment. You still coming over after school?" I asked. If she flakes on me, I swear I am going to go berserk on her. 

        "Of course." Her face lit up. "I wouldn't miss it for the world!" She sounded so enthusiastic about it. I still couldn't help but thinking, Maybe not for the world, but you'd miss it for the Jackson. 

        I headed off to Mr. Bosnic, my creative writing teacher's, classroom. "Maybe I am getting a little jealous." I said quietly to myself. "I have never acted that stand off-ish to Kaitlin before. Maybe I should talk to her about it at my house after school. Yeah. That sounds like a plan."


        After school, I waited outside by my bus for Kaitlin. She wasn't showing up and I was going to miss my bus if she didn't get here soon. I bet she ditched me. I bet that's what this is. She is probably off laughing it up with Jackson because they both walk home and she totally forgot about me and our plans. Just after the thought crossed my mind and I was getting ready to get on my bus, I see Kaitlin walking towards me quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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