2. Starting Out Strong

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Kaitlin's POV

        *BEEP BEEP*.... *BEEP BEEP*..... *BEEP BEEP* The loud and obnoxious sound of my alarm clock rang through the fog of my sleep, disturbing a rather great dream with the Joker and Batman in it. I groggily rolled over and turned the annoying sounding contraption off and glanced at the time. 6:32 in the morning. Great. I thought to myself. I slept through half an hour of my alarm clock going off and now I don't have time to make some breakfast. Maybe I could play sick and not go to school today. Probably not going to work.

        "Ugh...." I groaned as I reluctantly got out of my bed. Yawning and stretching, I stood and walked out my room into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, it was like the face of death was staring right back at me. "Gods... I look like crap." I said, disgusted with my appearance. "Why can't I wake up like the girls in movies do? All done up and perfect and crap. That would make my routine so much easier." My hair was a mess of semi curled poof and I had a red mark of my face from where I slept on my phone, again. I grabbed my brush and tried to manage the creature atop my melon with some water to mat it down. I then pulled out my small make up bag and did a quick cat's eye with eye liner and put mascara on. Simple, but cute. That's the way I liked it. 

        Quickly; quickly I headed out of the bathroom because it was almost seven and I was going to be late. I still had to get my clothes on. As I rushed out of the bathroom, I ran into something. 'Ow mother of Gods." I exclaimed as I fell over. 

        "Watch it clumsy." One of the twins said as he ran past me. I didn't pay much attention to which one it was.

        "Hey you little rodent. I'm walking here." I yelled at him.

        "Looks more like you are falling to me." He stick his tongue out at me and made the annoying high pitched noise people make that sounds like their failing at humming.

        I picked myself up off the carpet and went into my room, closing the door hard as I entered. I torn off my sleep clothes and while standing in my underwear, rummaged through my closet for something cute to wear. I knew I was going to see that Jackson kid today, so I might as well not look like I crawled out of a bad B-List horror film. I found a good pair of black super-skinny jeans that didn't have any holes in them and threw them on. Following that, I put on my Social Distortion shirt and a plaid tie, to go with a punk feel to my outfit. Before I could figure out what shoes I was going to wear, my phone went off.

        I picked it up and saw I had a text from my buddy Emily. "Hey. I'm skipping class today to go to the book store. Wanna come?" I really wanted to go. I wanted to see if the book store had any H. P. Lovecraft books, seeing as my copy of Into Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre was no where to be found. I had my suspicions as to where it went and who took it, but I was on a mission. I was going to talk to Jackson today.

        I quickly texted back, "Sorry Em... can't. I got important stuff today at school." 

        "Bummer girl. I wanted to browse with you." Gods I hated the word bummer. It was so annoying to me for some reason. If only if wasn't Emily's favorite word.

        "Yeah. I'm sorry girlie. Maybe next time." I replied before throwing my phone on my bed.

        I know most teenagers don't skip school to go to a book store, but Emily and I had a fond fascination with creepy stories. We both really liked to write, so reading the works of other authors made it easier to get the creative juices flowing out of us and onto our page of fiction. Plus, there is this guy that works at the book store during school hours who lets us just sit, read books, and drink coffee. It was kind of like being at the library, except we could eat and drink. His name was George and he was a fifty something year old man with thinning hair and an extremely good outlook on everything. His shift was usually in the mornings though, so we would have to skip school to be able to do all those things. The girls that tend to work afternoons were always so mean and rude. They would yell at us if we spent too much time reading and not buying.

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