Chapter 6 : The Life Of Being Pregnant

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Angel Dust 🕷 POV :

Ya know I keep asking to myself what would it look like with a huge baby bump I'm only 4 weeks pregnant and still I have to go to store and try to get some things for baby before my baby is born and also I noticed that al is trying to make sure I will get some rest and won't hurt myself or the baby he is becoming very overprotective of me I giggled to me to see that side of him it's kind of cute but right I got to get out of bed get dressed and take care of my baby fat Nuggets I see him looking at me given me puppy dog eyes he is telling me that he is hungry

2 hours coming back from the store

I'm sooo happy that finally done with my shopping but now what I'm going to do is reward myself with some food cause I'm starving all day and it's funny I already eat something while I was out come to think of being pregnant is not bad I chuckled low and the thing is my only craving thing that I want is strawberries and when I'm about to go out of the kitchen I see my husband al hey babe I waved at him

Oh hello darling why are down here why you are not upstairs resting you should be off your feet Alastor said kissing on my cheek

Well I have to get up move around and do something I hate being in all day and do nothing I had to go out and get some stuff for the baby also I'm starving I need something to eat even though I did at something ate something outside hey babe c could you um fixed something me please

Of course I will darling fixing something for you but I want to stay off your feet and get some rest I don't want you stress yourself out oh also don't forget my mom tomorrow we are going to see your doctor for your ultrasound appointment Alastor said kissing on my forehead

Oh don't worry babe I didn't forget and I will rest and I can't to see our baby tomorrow al I'm going to cross my fingers hoping for a girl I giggled then I leave to other room so I could wait for al to come out with my food

On their way to angels doctors appointment

Alastor 🦌 POV :

Today is the day when me and angel is going to see our baby for the first time angel and I is the room waiting for the doctor to come in and do the ultrasound and I could see my angel is getting a little bit nervous so I went to him held his hand and give my wife a kiss I'm telling him everything is going to be ok I'm here I'm not going anywhere he look at me and smiled softly I really love that smile of his and while I was gently rubbing angels stomach I hear a door open up and it was angels doctor

Oh my gosh al this is it we are about to see our baby he chuckled in a nervous way I know that ya can tell that how nervous I'm really am angel said he chuckled again

You don't have to worry Chèr everything is going to be ok I'm here right that's all it matters now I don't want to sad I want to see you smile when you see our baby up in that screen ok I got you

He giggled thanks smiles for saying that it makes me a little better angel said

While the doctor was setting up the machine he told angel just stay calm and think happy thoughts and angel took a deep breath he told the doctor that he was ready and so the doctor turned on the machine and put the wand on angels stomach to see our baby , while he was doing that the doctor saw something in the screen me and angel saw something too we saw our baby on the screen it was the most beautiful thing that I ever seen I smiled bigger even angel angel cry with tears of joy not sadness also we listen to the baby's heart beat too the doctor asked if we want to know the sex of the baby angel tapped on my shoulder and say something in my ear and I asked him do you really really want to know Chèr ? Or do want to be surprise when it's for you to give birth he pauses for a moment and thinking it over before he gives his finally answer and then he told me his answer he said that I could wait I want to be surprise until it's time after that what said the doctor turned off the machine and he said I hope that you to have a wonderful day I can't to see again angel you are doing fine your baby looks so healthy see you guys next time

7 months later of Angels Pregnancy

No person POV :

It's been only 7 months of swollen feet a bad back and also having big swollen chest fluff
Angel can't take it anymore he really really want his baby to come out already sometimes he hates body cause he is getting so big but al always tell him everything is alright we are almost there stay calm don't stress yourself out and also that angel has a beautiful body and he told angel that he is not fat to his eyes that angel is still sexy with or with out a huge baby bump what al said to angel it made angel feel better but still he still wants to see his baby already

Angel Dust 🕷 POV :

It's only been 7 months of me being pregnant I have to go to the bathroom so many times ya know why I'm like this cause my baby keeps making go to the bathroom I love my baby but this got to end and right now I'm feeling really really hungry the reason I'm so hungry cause my baby is hungry too and I can't say no to that and I think that my baby is laughing inside my tummy and my baby is making to the bathroom so many also I'm slowly started to feel some contractions I think that my baby wants to come out already I chuckled I know how my baby feels and I'm glad that I change my mind about not knowing what the sex of my baby is I could wait I until 9 months I want to be a surprise when that time comes

9 months of angels pregnancy

Alastor 🦌 POV :

While I was in kitchen making finishing making breakfast for everyone I went to angel to give his breakfast right now in my mind I just can't believe it it's only 9 months of angels pregnancy and I'm so close to be a father and when angel done with his food I let angel rest on my shoulder and I wrapped around angel with arms and I put one of hands on angels stomach and started to rub it gently I chuckled I could feel the baby kick a little bit and while we both rest all of the sudden angel sit up he was holding his stomach and I asked him what's wrong Chèr ? and what he told me next I almost passed out

" Al ..............The Baby Is Coming " !

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