Chapter 7 : ParentHood

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No Person POV :

You know that saying that parenting is hard work well it is when it comes trying to care of Mavis especially when it's time to change her diaper get herself ready and also trying to feed but when it comes to al and angel they know that it takes patience of rising a child and you have to make sure that there daughter won't get hurt or get into a lot of trouble too so the next morning angel decides to look up for a another job so he could get enough money for him and his family too and while he was still looking through the newspaper he found something that caught his mismatch eyes is a place where he could sing and dance at and knowing angel , angel loves to sing and dance and he not the demon who loves singing and dancing and that demon is his husband Alastor so when he was done looking at the paper he went upstairs to find Alastor when he did Alastor in their room changing Mavis's diaper and when Alastor was finished angel told him about this club where he want to work at and Alastor was really happy of his wife that he finally found a job that is not a Porn studio or a stripped club too and so when the next day angel got the job work at the club so what that means is he could finally get to spine time with his family

Angel Dust 🕷 POV :

What in the 9 nine circles what you have been eating young lady oh god when I do change your diaper sometimes it doesn't smell that bad but now it's really really bad I'm looking at my daughter and she giggled at me cause she knows what she did she wants to my reaction very funny young lady I chuckled right now I'm to get you dressed and take you down stairs and give your breakfast too and when it's to my daughter she is a little greedy sometimes when I do feed her I can't say no to that face when me and daughter finally made it down stairs I put Mavis in her high chair and I went to the kitchen to her baby food when I walked out the kitchen I saw everyone came down to and while I'm still feeding Mavis I see al walking through the door he was holding some groceries and he walked over to us and he kiss me on my cheek and Mavis too

Well good morning my love how is my little fawn is doing has she being a good little devil when I was away Alastor's said in happier voice

I giggled yes she is when I went to change her she gives me her big surprise and wasn't a good surprise at all I chuckled

Oh really well I know that she loves to eat and she knows that can't be greedy all the time is that right my little devil Alastor said Mavis cooed happily responding to her daddy

Awww that is so cute al I chuckled I still can't get over how much she looks like you babe

Well I don't know about that darling when you are holding her in your arms I could say both of you are twins Alastor said and chuckled

You think so hm well if you say so al

I know so my love I know so Alastor said

Oh hey babe I forgot to mention thank You thank you sooo for taping in the hospital when I was I pregnant with Mavis I never ever want to miss that moment

Oh you're very welcome darling I will doing anything for you Alastor said

I giggled oh hey al when I'm finished feeding Mavis can please watch her until I come back today I'm going to visit my sister Molly

Of course mon Chèr I will definitely take care of Mavis when you come back home and you need a break I could tell your eyes so don't worry my love I have everything under I finally get to spend time with my daughter Alastor said

Oh really thanks Bambi well it seems that this little has finished her breakfast so it's seems that's my cue to go out and hangout with Molly I stand up from my chair and hand over Mavis to her father give them both a kiss say my good bye and when I went out of the door

Alastor 🦌 POV :

Well it's only me and my little fawn for the rest of the day and I'm happy for that when to the kitchen and put Mavis and the groceries down and while I was putting everything away my ear started to twitch I hear my little fawn getting a little fussy and I don't want her cry I want her to be happy so I picked up and started to rock her to calm her down sssshhh there there my little devil I'm here I'm here when you get a little older I will teach everyone that you need know I will make sure that you go to a great school and I will make sure that you learn your powers along the way and I definitely make sure that no filthy disgusting demon come near you or even try to flirt with you

No Person POV :

It's only two years sense angel Alastor has Mavis and she is going growing up so fast and she looks sooo beautiful she is so close being a toddler by any day now angel and Alastor always taking turns taking care of Mavis changing her feeding her making sure that she nice and healthy too sometimes angel takes her to her baby doctor so she can get check up and when that's done Alastor let angel take a rest and Alastor takes care of Mavis and he takes her to park so she could play for a while with the other kids that is around her age she is only one years old her birthday is almost around the corner until next year so while Alastor is watching his daughter playing in the park he decided's too just sit down and read a book and too make sure that Mavis right in Alastor's view not far away from him and while Alastor is reading is book this a another book about parenting one of his deer ears started to twitch a little bit he hear something he pecks over his book and he saw a demon this demon was over there talking to his daughter and this demon doesn't know who she belongs to when the demon starts to pitch Mavis's cheeks Mavis starts to laugh she doesn't know what's right and wrong yet and when Alastor saw what happened he stand up and walked over their calmly and this demon didn't see Alastor coming over there until he saw Alastor's shadow and when the demon saw the radio demon he started to get nervous and Alastor was talking to calmly to tell him

My dear sir you don't know who she belongs too and I see that you fastened of this little right here and I know you are asking yourself where is her parents at he chuckled deeply well my dear sir I'm her father , this demon doesn't know that this girl belongs to The Radio Demon himself and what Alastor say next that he makes sure that Mavis won't get scared or repeat what he about to say to this demon My dear good fellow " If You Ever Ever Come Near My Precious Little Fawn Again I Will Make Sure That You Will Never Be Born Again of your Afterlife " Saying in his low demotic radio voice so Mavis won't get scared of her daddy's voice after that what said the demon got the message and he ran sooo fast like a speeding bullet and Alastor stands there and chuckled to himself while holding his daughter and he sees that it was getting late and it is time to go home also Alastor and everyone at the hotel has to prepared for their self's for the next up coming extermination that is coming their way

A new year of hell's extermination

Even though it's only one a year of extermination in hell thats not going to stop them angel starts to think and planning a huge Birthday party for Mavis cause Mavis is turning Two years old and he wants everything to be perfect and special for his daughter and Alastor is will to help Mavis is one lucky demon to have both parents like Alastor and angel in her life and also angel and Alastor still wants to her say her first word but still nothing they want to get it on camera even when it's time for her to walk on her own for the first time we'll who knows maybe just maybe she will say her first word and take her first step around her big birthday bash

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