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Jasper's pov

I was sitting o the couch with Emmet when Daph made her way down the stairs. I could sense that she was, well pissed, sad, maybe both. I knew why. It's her birthday. "Hey, Daph! Why the long face?" Emmet asked. Oh, this is going to be fun. "None of your business, assface!" she spat. "No need to be rude, I was just asking." he said. "Get your bloody nose out of my business!" she said. "Calm down woman!" Emmet said. Oh, he did not just say that. "Calm down. CALM DOWN! I may be Earths most dangerous predators, but I am not an animal, whereas such a thing can not be said about thyself!" I said. "Save me the fancy talk you and I both know that you're just trying to seem smart." he said. "You, foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach!" she said. "Cut the shit Daphne it's not my fault you're pissed!" he said. 

"Children, calm down." Carlisle said. "Jasper, why didn't you say something?"Carlisle asked me. "I 'gotta admit it to you, it was fun watching them bicker like little children." I said. "Don't you think you got away with this, I am not pleased that you didn't defend your wife's honor." she said. "Well, you always say I should let you lead your own battles." I said. "That doesn't mean you shouldn't at least say something! I'm out of here!" she said. "Where are you going?" I asked regretting it as it left my mouth. "TO HELL!" she said and stormed out.

This was just a little filler chapter before the big party scene! 

Stuck for eternity (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now