Settling in

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Hellooooo. I'm not being vry active atm I'm sorry 🥺. So here's chapter 2. Quick summary you  are getting flashbacks to your past life etc n settling into the glade. Ok I'm jus gonna shut up and write lol 😌
Y/n -your name

You slowly flutter your eyes open after a good few hours of rest. "Hey your awake." You recognise his soft British accent immediately. "You feel ok?" He asks as he helps you sit up. You nod your head shyly making him chuckle. "I won't hurt you ya know. You don't have to be scared of me."  You smile slightly at his statement and nod your head again as he helps you stand on your shaky feet.

After getting to grips with your walking, Newt leads you out the homestead into what he calls the glade. "Woah." You look around at the giant walls encasing you in a small civilisation of about 50 boys or so.
"It's not much but this is your home." Newt rubs the back of his neck nervously.

He walks you around the glade, introducing you to various boys and telling you about all the job options. "You'll start tomorrow at trying to find which job suits you best. I'll be watching and reviewing on how you do with Alby, he's the leader."
"O..ok." You speak shyly making him pat you on the shoulder.
"Tonight's your big night love. There's gonna be a celebration since you were out all day yesterday." He explains.
"C..can I stay with you?" You ask, forming a small trust bond with the Brit.
"Of course!" He beams. "Come on let's set up your hammock." He pulls you back over to the homestead again.

Timeskip ~a few hours later

You sit with Newt in away from the others where you felt a little less overwhelmed. "How'd you find your first day then love?" Newt asks as he sips from the jar of Gally's secret drink.
"It was ok." You reply still trying to get used to the idea of being trapped in a giant maze.
"You'll get used to it." He smiles again kindly to comfort you. The tall darker skinned boy takes a seat to the other side of you. "How's the greenie?" He asks Newt. Newt explains how my day has gone and the darker skinned boy nods his head. "Don't forget to show her the window in the morning." he whispers discretely to Newt before everyone starts retreating back to the homestead. 'The hell is the window?' You wonder to yourself but try shrug it off.

"Guess it's goodnight then." Newt stands up and stretches offering you his hand.
"Yeah." You tuck some hair behind your ear. "So uh do I just sleep where we set up the hammock?" You ask and he nods.
"I'll fetch you in the morning love." He smiles.

The next day

You wake up the next morning startled to find a hand over your mouth. You look up to see Newt holding a finger over his lips signalling for you to be quiet. You nod your head fearfully and follow him into the forest-like area.

He pushes some ivy away from the wall to reveal a window. "What's in there?" You ask.
"You'll see." He replies bluntly. You'd not seen him this serious in the short time I'd been there. You jump back when you see the half spider half robot emerge around a corner. Suddenly you're hit by a wave of memories and fall to the floor as they come flooding back.

Another flashback

You wake up in the metal crate. "Hello?" You call. "Hello?" No reply. Click click whirr. You snap your head to the side seeing the monstrous creature standing on all 8s infront of you before letting out a shrill scream and you come back to reality.

Back in the present

"Hey hey shh shh you're ok." Newt soothes as you realise you were panicking in his arms in a half-awake half dream-like state. "Hey there you go. I'm sorry I shouldn't have shown you." He apologises, guilt laced in his voice.
You shake your head clinging onto him. "Newt promise you won't tell Alby this but I wanna tell you something." He nods and listens as you explain about your memories. He litters you with questions about your memories overwhelming you when his face softens and he tucks some hair behind your ear. "I'm sorry. You can talk when you're ready I don't want to scare you into it love." He says quickly.
"I'll talk eventually. Promise." You insist and follow Newt back to the glade getting ready to find a job.

There's chapter 2. Hope you enjoyed. I'll try update more regularly I'm sorry I've not posted for a while 🥺🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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