Life is short... make every hair flip count

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The girl opposite me relaxed a little and picked some bacon up throwing it into her mouth, as she opens her mouth to speak her boyfriend quickly cuts her off, side eyeing a warning look before she could say something.

"Are we going to the library after this alpha?" Hunter groaned and looked up from his plate "so many bloody questions. Can I not have one minute of rest!"

I roll my eyes and catch the eyes of Venessa who was looking me over, lips pouted and eyes puzzled. When she catches me looking she gives me a sheepish smile and looks at Hunter.

"Yes we are going to the library, the bloody books aren't going to find themselves" Hunter continues after looking at me for a moment.

"Why do you want the books" I ask shoving some toast into my mouth. "It doesn't really concern you" coal says from beside me, my head snaps to look at him. Rude.

"Well, I'm guessing you need my help?" I ask squinting my eyes to coal who shakes his head "no, it would be more dangerous trusting you to help us than looking for it ourselves. We are quite capable" I look at him eyes wide and shake my head. Your mistake.

"I'm going shopping today, Georgia do you want to join? Get some new clothes" I look at Venessa frowning , it made sense going if they didn't actually plan on killing me I would need some clothes, but she's spoke not one word to me before this so I didn't expect this. But if I'm in the public world, a crowded area I could run.

"You can go alone and just buy clothes for her" Hunter states without a second thought. My plan fizzles away in my mind.

"You said I wasn't a prisoner" I say shovelling some more mushrooms into my mouth. He looks at me, cold eyes assessing.

"And your not. Very well. If you want to go then I'm not stopping you. Steven and David can take you both" it looked as though it pained him to say this.

He looked at Venessa eyes glazing over, he was mind linking again, this time to Venessa. How strange this was. Watching them talk to each other through their minds!


Steven and David appeared to be big bulky men with face tattoos and a stern look on their face. They followed Venessa and I round the mall, staying two Meters back and keeping visuals on us or should I say me at all times.

"You know, you're using Hunters card, you could get whatever you want. However much you want. Sprawl out girl. You've been in that prison for more than a year, you deserve to feel like a girl again." Venessa states as we leave another shop, once again I don't buy anything.

So I did exactly what she told me to, every time I seen something I liked I bought it, this was after all another way to piss off Hunter. I ended up with loads of tops, 5 pairs of jeans, a black pair of converse and a white pair, some knickers and bras. Hair masks, hair shampoo and conditioner, soap, bubble bath, bath bombs, face masks, moisturiser. I really didn't hold back.

It was weird interacting with Venessa socially. I mean I didn't talk to any supernatural creature unless they where on my hit list and still, I kept the talking to a minimum. But Venessa was showing me that the cruel, terrifying beasts weren't all beasts, and was more human than I knew.

"You know your a lot cooler than I thought a hunter would be, and a lot younger" we was walking back to the car when she says this humming slightly under her breath.

"You know, I was literally just thinking the same thing about you. If it weren't for Hunter and coal then I'd think your kind had developed into a nicer kind" I say a cheeky smile on my face.

Venessa does this weird noise like tsk tsk tsk and shakes her head. "I think if you took the time to get to know us, you'd be quite surprised" I pout my lips thinking "and how much time would I have before Hunter decides to kill me?" I ask frowning.

"He's not going to kill you, so get that thought out of your little head. He literally can't kill you with you being his mate and all." We get in the car and I turn to face her once more "but someone else can. Marco the warlock king should have killed me upon seeing me, he hates my guts. And what about you, your mate, Coal how come you have welcomed me with open arms. It doesn't make sense. I'm a hunter. You should have killed me just for that."

"Well your growing on me and I'm desperate need of some female company in that bloody house. But Hunter mind linked everyone in the pack saying that if any harm comes to you then he will give them a slow painful death."

A frown formed on my face, I guess he really wasn't letting this whole mate thing go. Huh. Whatever happened to the big bad werewolf king I heard so much about.

"Do you know why Hunter wants the books?" I couldn't keep that question in any longer.

"I don't know, Luke won't tell me sh*t. He keeps saying oh it's a secret, I'm on a secret mission.
I swear I'm going to slap him one of these days" growling Venessa shakes her head.

"I swear all men think is girls can't do sh*t, just sit there and look pretty. Well I'll have you know I'm smart, I'm really smart. I'm not being big headed, I swear I'm not Georgia. But no one seems to acknowledge that. And you know what, I'm sick of it. I have the capability to achieve anything a man can. I mean look at you. Everyone knows who you are, the princess assassin, you can fight better than any supernatural, never mind just human men. Me I can't."

I stare at Venessa eyes wide, silently wondering what on Earth brought her to to unleash all of this. I only asked her about the books. I did support her though after all, I was the one in my family to show that girls can do a better job then men.

I let out a small whistle when her speech ends, both of my eyebrows raised. "Wow your a feminist and a half aren't ya" I chuckle a little but she growls at me and huffs looking out the window. Silent tears dropping down her cheek.

"Well look, Ive not got much to do since I'm stuck here and I do need to get back in shape and if you wanted you could join me training." I say shrugging at her, she turns to me eyes wide a smile on her lips.

"Really! You'd do that!" I shrug at her with a frown on my face "yes? It's not affecting me whatsoever" I state and give her a mischievous smile "And if you wanted we could prove Hunter and your mate Luke wrong about females only being useful for one thing. I'm going to make sure Coal and Hunter are going to be sorry they didn't accept my help in finding the books..." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

Her smile turns into a frown, confused "I don't understand what you are saying" I roll my eyes and stare at her dumbly "I'm saying... we should find the books before they can" I say grinning. Her mouth pops open.

"Oh , I'm not so sure Hunter will like that. You might be plotting against us" I shake my head holding my hands up "well, I've always wanted to read the books and I only kill supernatural that have harmed humans. So if you haven't, you have nothing to worry about. And besides I want to know why all the kings are in dire need of these." I staring at her, waiting for her answer.

Giving me a suspicious look she nods her head once. "Well okay. But no one can find out about this. Not unless we actually achieve it" I smirk up at her.

The alphas assassinWhere stories live. Discover now