Reports 4-6: Dark Times

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Why Does Isildur's Heir come here?

I watch from afar as Isildur's heir enters Rohan, with an Elf and a Dwarf (please never let his axe come near!). What's this? Isildur's heir knows the Rohirrimm! Forgive me if I spelt it wrong. It's just, well, as an Ent, I never paid much attention to the names of men and their land. It's never anything we needed to know, with a few exceptions. (Such as Isildur, Isengard, Mordor, Sauron, Saruman.) Anyway, you probably want to know more about the goings-on: they have begun to speak to Eomer, prince of Rohan, nephew of King Theoden, whose only son, Theodred, died in war. There! That much I know about men and their strange ways. What's the point of this report?! They're just talking, and...picking through the dead orcs!!! Now, for you curious people—yes, I am an Ent, and yes, I can move, but how could I listen and record their conversation without scaring them off? Besides, Ents don't belong in the affairs of men. I am a bad reporter, you say? Because I didn't collect enough information for you? Well, you imagine trying to write satisfying information while not scaring them off, or feel an Ent's wrath! What? The trio are weeping, and I can tell they weep for lost loved ones. But who would an Elf, a Dwarf, and a Man all love so dearly? Please, don't ever let me be a reporter again! I'm horrible at it! I have no interest in another's doings or what they say! Take this pen from my leafy fingers! This paper from this table! Why must I do this? I cannot and will not! I will tell Fangorn, our chief, about this nonsense! ~


Well, what do I see now but two Hobbits in a boat, with no others! I've heard the last time this happened, the Hobbits drowned! To show what a good reporter I am, I'll even divulge one of the names: Drogo. Back to more recent reporting—somebody or something follows these two, for that log floating by has...eyes! I almost croak in surprise. Don't start thinking I'm crazy, now! I almost yell to warn the ignorant Hobbits, but remember I can't talk. I scoot closer on my lily pad, prepared to record their talk; if that log has malicious intent, surely someone will read this and send help! The first, with dark hair, says, "You know you don't have to come with me to Mordor." The second, with sunny hair, says, "Oh yes I do, Mr. Frodo [who must be Dark-Hair]! I made a promise, and I mean to keep it." Mr. Frodo says, "Let us go, then. There's no changing of your mind, Sam [who must be Sunny-Hair]." Sam says, "Which way is Mordor?" Mr. Frodo says, "I believe it's this way [pointing east]." Sam says, "I hope we can just get this over with." Mr. Frodo says, "Me too, Sam. Me too." What on Middle-Earth are they talking about? If it's to stop all the evil lately, I hope their endeavor goes well. Oh, joy! A fly! A tangible reward for my work. [Stops to eat fly] Now, my dear reader, go figure this out and help these poor Hobbits! Please excuse me from reporting; it's time to begin evening croaking. Croooaaaakk! Croaaak! Crroooaaakkk!... ~

The Last Ceremony

I hurry to write, for the service starts soon and I must get dressed. [Pauses to look at wardrobe] Now, where is my fancy black gown? It's perfect for the funeral. What funeral, you ask? The one for Theodred, once prince of fair Rohan, only son of King Theoden. Now that the King Theoden is, shall we say, in his right mind again (don't tell him I said that!), he wishes for a regal, last, ceremony. Oh! I cannot stop the tears from falling, and some fell on this paper. I can only hope they'll still accept this report. I better go! ~At the funeral~ they've dressed our fallen Prince in his best, and he looks so cold yet so peaceful. Eowyn, his cousin and our Shield-Maiden, sings mournfully as he's placed in his tomb...oh, the agony, watching the King place the first flower on the tomb of his own son. The Ranger and his friends, who brought our King back to us mentally, follow suit. Curse the orcs!!! They killed our prince, filled his body with arrows, and torched our homes! I have no more to say, being overcome with sorrow. ~

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