Ch 5: TheLastRegiment/TLR

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Amiga Yamashio
Age: 2 years old (looks 28)
Bio: Born at Seite fünfundzwanzig (Site twenty-five) in 2073. With the help of growth boosters she was nearly fully grown in under half a year. She was the first of the Wolfsmädchen to be made. She quickly proved to be extremely smart, elegant, and agile. She would memorize the exact formal for making more Wolfsmädchens. She helped rebel against the JRIG soldiers keeping them in the compound. She held a strong earge to protect the lead scientist (John). She would go on to live with Kaga and John.

Age: 2 years old (looks 27)
Born at Seite fünfundzwanzig (Site twenty-five) in 2073 With the help of growth boosters she was nearly fully grown in under half a year. She was the second of the Wolfsmädchen to be made. She quickly proved to be extremely elegant and agile. She helped rebel against the JRIG soldiers keeping them in the compound. She held a strong earge to protect the lead scientist (John). She would go on to live with Amiga and John.

Age: was 2 years old (looked 27)
Born at Seite fünfundzwanzig (Site twenty-five) in 2073. With the help of growth boosters she was nearly fully grown in under half a year. She was the third of the Wolfsmädchen to be made. She quickly proved to be both elegant and agile. She often tried to subdue any man she could. She had a full relationship with three of the JRIG soldiers. She tried to kill the lead scientist (John). She sided with the JRIG soldiers keeping them in the compound. This act would lead to her death.

Wolfsmädchen: Litterly translating from German to wolf girl, where made to be a test for a fast renewable solider force for JRIG.

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