#4 - The Day You Made Me Smile - Part 1

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- Third person POV -

#First Moment - When It All Started
Hannam Book Store
First Week Saturday 10.00am

It's been a month since Soo Jun and Mina meet up and switch reading by another at Mr. Dong Guk book store, Soo Jun is meet Mina at the doorbell when she is coming in and Mina's coming out the store, by all the time, Soo Jun almost never notice Mina's appearance and pay full attention to the book and it makes Soo Jun is almost finished it while Mina is nowhere near the half of the book, so Soo Jun is actually waiting for her time to finished it, but today Mina is late and Soo Jun is notice that her time is almost up,

'It was the switching day at Mr. Dong Guk place, but why this girl is doesn't show up. It's almost about her time to catch the rest of her book', Soo Jun think inside her mind while she's waiting for her 'rival-partner' because Soo Jun want to play it fair, she don't want to broke up the rules about switching and give the spare time to Mina to read the book but at the same time, she feel somehow..worried.

'Should I ask Mr. Dong Guk-ssi about her attendance?', Soo Jun is walking to the cashier-bar when Mina show up at the door.

"Geez, you're late!", Soo Jun gush Mina and give her a cold-stare, it's been their fourth time to catch the switching book before it, figth a battle between a relieve and mad at the same time,

"Mianhe, I have to do something before, I still have the time thougth", Mina is answering with a lower tone, her face-gesture is down somehow, which is surprising Soo Jun because she never look at Mina like this before.

'What's the matter with her facial expression tho? Did something happen at her trainee days?', a sudden question that popped up in Soo Jun minds surprised her because of Mina low-voice because she's usually hyped over her time to reading, while So...

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'What's the matter with her facial expression tho? Did something happen at her trainee days?', a sudden question that popped up in Soo Jun minds surprised her because of Mina low-voice because she's usually hyped over her time to reading, while Soo Jun thinking about her, Mina reach out the book at start to reading near the window, at her favorite table, still with down face expression. Soo Jun can't help but stare at the girl, suddenly realize that Mina is beautiful in a person indeed. The bookstore and the background music is like a movie scene where Mina is the main character, who read at her imagination.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?", Mr. Dong Guk is asking Soo Jun carefully, almost like whispering at Soo Jun like he is afraid Mina hear their conversation, who's make Soo Jun more surprised because it feels like she's been caugth red-handed staring at Mina,

"Mr. Dong Guk-ssi, you surprised me", Soo Jun replied at the moment, tried to catch the word to covered her action,

"Well, If that kind of beautiful moment is happened rigth in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but stare too, Soo Jun-ah",

"I think it's because of the ambience of your bookstore, Mr. Dong Guk-ssi",

"No. My bookstore is the same, the only different is the person who came here with their reason to read at my place",

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