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Inspiration, My Inspiration
Where have you been
It's been quite a while
Since I have seen
For I can no longer
Exist, in denial!

Inspiration, My Inspiration
I need you now
For the serenity
And candor have all been
On a halt
And my soul, incompetent
To bear
Furthermore assaults!!

Inspiration, My Inspiration
Everything awaits
Your command
For you are the commander
Of my emotional army
And only you
Have the vision
To guide me through
The opposite balmy.

Inspiration, My Inspiration
You must be aware
That motivation seeks
A camaraderie with you
For it is beware
Of the perils, in doing
This journey alone.

Inspiration, My Inspiration
My dreams are losing
Faith in me
The growth says
I have stagnated
And passion, nowhere
Could be seen.

Inspiration, My Inspiration
I only exist
But I want to live
I need you
To reach my pinnacle
For it has been
A long wait at the bottom.

Inspiration, My Inspiration
I see life around me
In the form of people
Filled with joy
Because you have
Embraced them
They cheer, they celebrate
And I??
I watch them dictate
Their destiny.

Inspiration, My Inspiration
Still I believe
I believe somehow
I would find you
One fine day, and forever
You would be mine
The moment, I'd get you
Would truly be, divine😇!!

Ah! I will wait
For all the eternity
Till I get you,
My, my dear

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