Chapter 8

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Izuku Midoriya POV

I hesitated before entering the apartment since I wasn't too sure what to expect at this point, Mr.Aizawa put his hand on my shoulder probably trying to reassure me. I sighed and entered trying my best not to look at anything but ultimately failing miserably. The first thing I noticed was the blood on the ground and it was like everything from that day came rushing back to me. 'Father' hitting mom, me calling for help and him pulling out his gun before shooting her. Me running over and desperately trying to stop the bleeding, to save her, but failing. I remember running at my 'father' quirk activated with the intent to hurt him so badly he'd regret everything. After that though, it was like I blacked out, next thing I knew Aizawa had me in his capture gear and my 'father' was out cold covered in blood although at that point I wasn't sure if he was covered in his own, my moms, or mine. 

This was my fault, this whole thing is my fault no matter how you look at it. I could've changed this so easily. So many things I could've done but I didn't and I don't even understand why. How did I not see it coming? I'm supposed to be a hero, can I still call myself that? No matter how many people I save it won't change the fact that I couldn't save my own mother when she was right in front of me. I don't deserve to be here, I should have died in her place, she could've escaped. I should be with her.

"Izuku!" Todoroki yelled catching my attention. "I've been calling your name for a while, you're crying and I think your legs gave out on you. Are you gonna be ok?" He asked sounding pretty worried. 

I didn't say anything for a moment but eventually, I just hugged him and cried harder. I didn't see Mr.Aizawa so I assume he's grabbing my things. "It's all my fault Todoroki," I said quietly but I know he heard me. 

"No, it isn't, nobody blames you Midoriya."

"But you should, I should be with her, I should be dead too," I said and Todoroki tensed pushing me back just far enough to look me in the eyes.

"You can't think like that Midoriya, it's bad for you, listen, no matter how guilty you feel, no matter how much you wish you could just go back and change what happened, you can't. Do you think your mom would want you to live the rest of your life thinking about what happened and how you could've changed it? Do you think she would want you to give up on your life and your dreams to go be with her?" He asked and I shook my head. "We all need you here Midoriya, I need you here, ok?" 

"Ok, yeah you're right." 



"Now let's finish grabbing anything you want from out here," Todoroki said standing up and holding out his hand to me. I took his hand and got up and we finished packing up.

"Alright, I think I got everything you'll need or want from your room although there wasn't much in there seeing as you spend most of your days at the dorms. You still might want to check to make sure that there isn't anything else in there you want." Mr. Aizawa said leaving my room with a box and a suitcase, I just nodded and went to my room. I'm pretty sure Mr. Aizawa was mostly oblivious to my little breakdown so that's good, I hope Todoroki doesn't think I'm weak or anything after all that. I looked around my room and saw that it was pretty much empty and I couldn't think of anything else I needed.

"Ok, I have everything, let's get out of here." 


Word Count: 645

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