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it was time for the award show , I had managed to find a look that fit my dress , my dress has been fixed

We arrived the award show and we walked the red carpet and did an interview.

I took my mum to our seat and two seats away was Ruth and beth . Ruth was looking beautiful and beth flawless.

They started with a performance from bardi c, lennifer jopez , biggie na z

They proceeded to the award later on. Few tycoons were called and received awards.
Carlos received an award for world influenced business which left me shocked , he told me he couldn't make it.

It was time for the billions game changer award and the announcer paused for a bit and my heart skipped a bit.


I got up and walked to the stage with every one on their feet clapping. I walked towards the right entrance to the stage while beth walked towards the left with Ruth. We walked to the announcer and received our awards .

Ruh was about to give the speech when we heard a loud thud.

Everybody gasped and I immediately searched for my mothers face , I knew she was scared but she looked up at me with a smile.

A man came in and said it was just one of the appliances falling and sigh of relieves were heard .

When Ruth was done with the speech we walked back stage.

As soon as we got there , we noticed every one was in panic.

I was suprised of how they controlled the noise with the show on.

It seemed serious so I asked a setup girl and she said there was a bomb here.

I gasped being terrified.

She also said people were trying to defuse it and they don't want to ruin the show. I put my award and phone in my bag and gave my assistant who was also scared. I told her to take my team out of here and she nodded and scurried away.

"F*** the show " I thought ." they are risking peoples life.

I ran to the stage , dragged the microphone and said "there is a bomb in here , run for your life"
I immediately went to the table side and started looking for my mum. Peoples were rushing fighting . pop stars guards were loyal to them . rushing and pushing for their boss to get away.

Then suddenly we all heard 30,29,28.....

Something's or somebody was counting and all I could focus on was finding my mum. Suddenly a pair of strong hands grabbed mine with force and I was screaming , the person took me to a room with metal doors which seems to be a safe room.

I turned around and it was beth, I screamed "my mum she is outside , please let me go."

Keep quiet Anna my parents are there too " Anna said

I was panicking , I needed to find my mum I don't care.

I was about to open the door when I heard 3,2,1 and beth immediately pulled me to his chest.

There was an explosion ,the safe door rained with sounds of body parts hitting it.

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