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We broke contact and we both beamed huge smile's at eachother. It was nice to have a best friend who was a girl. I could rely on her and gossip, things Jole did not like me doing.


I was in the arms of a stranger. I didn't know what to do. He was saving me but who was he? Could I trust him. I was like a soft lifeless animal drooping in his arms. He carried for what seemed miles. We finally reached what must have been his ship. \he placed me down on a medical bed and put a blanket on me. "I'll be right back."

It was my first day of training before I was to head off to the Finaliser. I had three different types of training courses to complete. Combat, Technical and pilot training. I had to learn combat in case I found myself battling for survival against the synical First Order. Technical training was because I was going undercover as a technician and my new identity had to be believable. This morning I had combat.

I went to the female locker room and put on my khaki green jumpsuit and tied the ribbon at the back. It showed all my curves and I was not happy about that. Although lots of people have said they would kill for my body whereas I would kill to have a better one. I slicked my long thick hair into a low ponytail and put two strands of my hair in the front.

 I walked to the battle arena to see the combat class ready to begin. Jole went out on lots of missions so he was there too. I walked straight over to him hoping he would have forgotten about yesterday. "Hey Jole. Ready for our lesson?" I said hoping for a response. He didn't reply and he stared me down. I sighed. "Come on. If we're partners I'll let you whoop my ass" I said smiling at him. He let out a chuckle and agreed to be happier.

 "Alright, enough chit-chat. Time for some real work." A mighty voice came from a small girl with her hair in three tight buns slicked back. "WIth your partners I want you to have a mini one on one combat. Deliver punches and whoever pins down their partner for five seconds wins. Any questions? No good" she said without letting anyone speak. "Get in to position." 

Me and Jole faced eachother. I stood with my feet shoulder width apart. Rey shouted go and with in seconds I started to deliver punch after punch to Jole's face. He didn;t hold back either and he punched me right in the ribs. I winced in pain but I was still determined. I managed to punch his nose and he was holding it for a few seconds. I saw my oppurtunity and I kicked his legs causing him to topple over. I stood over him. "Never take your eye of your opponent" I said cockily. I then heard Rey shouting well done and looked over at her. Out of no where Jole used his legs to kick mine so I fell. He then rolled over and held me down. He held my wrists down while sat on top of me. I was breathing heavily. "Never take your eyes of your opponent." Jole said smirking. I chuckled and he got off me and gave me his arm hoisting me up. "Great work Jole!" I said smiling. Usually Jole would say "thanks dickhead" but for some reason this time he said "thanks" while blushing.

At lunch I wasn't hungry so I decided to just go for a wonder. I went to go look at the T-85 X-Wing ships to see if I could clean them. Luckily there were a few pilots who had just landed. "Any of them need cleaning sir?" I aske politely. 

"Yeah mine could do with a scrub. Thanks kid." The pilot walked off and I got some clean rags and a bucket of soapy water. I started to hum that lullaby again. I felt so alone in my own thoughts. I then heard a twig snap and jumped. I rushed to get my blaster out of my pocket. "Who's there?" I shouted in a scared manner. A figure came out from behind the ship. It was Jole. "Jole! Ugh you scared me." I threw the soapy rag at him and he chuckled. "So sorry. Not!" I laughed. I asked him to help me and he reluctantly did as I asked. 

The sun came out from the clouds and shone down on us both. Jole stopped what he was doing and stared at me next to my side. I stopped and looked at him in annoyance. "What? Can I help you. Get on with the other ship Jole!" I started to scrub the ship again when Joles hand met mine and he took the rag of me. I took a deep breath not knowing what to say. Jole dropped the rag and put his arm around my waist. At first I shivered. I had never been held like this, but I quickly melted in to his arm. He pulled me closer to him. Our eyes were interlocked and his eyes told a story of loneliness. "Jole?" I asked quietly and gently. 

Suddenly Jole pressed his lips against mine. His warm buttery lips melted on to mine. He then pulled away. At first I was surprised and looked at him puzzled. He then drooped his head and looked sorry. I instantly kissed him back and didn't stop. His hand was around my wasit and the other was caressing my cheek. I had my hand around his waist aswell while the other played with his curly hair. We paused for breath and looked at eachother with a joy in our eyes. We both chuckled. 

Somehow I thought it would have been uncomfortable to kiss my best friend but it felt like it was meant to be. We stared at eachother for ages and then embraced. My face engulfed in his shoulder and my body melted into his arms. I felt safe.

Hey guys

I hate how badly written this is but oh well. 

Who knew they were going to kiss?

Hope you enjoyed it


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