Mia Fey

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Everything was an absolute mess.

All the evidence and files was scattered around the desk. Mia hasn't seen a blink of sleep but still couldn't figure out what to do about this case.

The worst part of the entire situation was Mia hasn't been able to spend time with Yn because Mia continued to waste away cooped up in the office.

It was already past midnight but she continued to shuffle the files and evidence on desk. Everything in her sight was slowly getting blurry as she desperately figure out a new lead of some sorts.

She kept on praying and hoping that someone would come knock on my door and then maybe, just maybe everything will suddenly make sense.



Small audible knocking was heard. Was this the Goddess of Knowledge knocking by Mia's door?

Mia mustered up all the energy to walk towards the door to open it and to her surprise the person by the other side was the love of her life, Yn.

"What are you doing here late at night dear?" Mia gently smiled, ignoring the fact she wasn't in the prettiest state with her messy hair and such.

Yn gave a small frown.

Seeing how her lover wasn't taking care of herself properly left Yn in quite a despair.

Yn the pulled up a plastic bag, presenting to Mia some instant noodles that Yn bought for her.

"May I enter?"




Both of them ate quietly together on the couch. Mia was extremely quick in eating her share, especially since she hasn't ate anything since yesterday's breakfast.

Yn let out a small giggle. To her, Mia looks so majestic despite being so sloppy and quick at eating her noodles.

It wasn't long until Mia began to catch on and began to get embarrassed.

"A-anyways, what brings you here?" Mia asked, trying to regain composer and image of a fair lady.

"I came for you, silly" Yn gently brushed her hand on Mia's hair. In response Mia scoots in a little closer to Yn.

"You've been way to stressed about this case" Mia gave a small looked of disbelief.

Mia's warm hand slithers around
Yn's waist. "What makes you say that?"

"You look like a hot mess and you haven't eaten much" Yn gave Mia's nose a lil bop.

"I'm not sure what your talking about Yn. I've been eating well" Mia smiled, looking straight into Yn's bright eyes hoping that she wouldn't see through her lies.

"Well I guess you'll wouldn't want my noodles the-" Mia was quick to react to Yn's statement and pulled her closer.

"No I want it" Yn couldn't help but chuckle at her hasty response.

The two shared a fun and mellow chat, something Mia hasn't have in quite awhile. Mias's troubles seemed to wash away as she cuddled with Yn.

"Sorry, didn't mean to worry you" Mia quietly said.

"Just promise me to take care of yourself, so you don't die early"

Mia let out a small magestic chuckle and snuggled closer to Yn, slowly drifting asleep.

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