0.0 Prologue

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"It says here that most people meet their future partner in college." Alana reads.

"Mum and dad met in college. Look how well that turned out." I say as I indicate left.

"Mum and dad are a bad example."

"Then find a good example."

"How about you find our apartment building?" Alana says.

"It's hard! None of these streets are labelled!"

"Yes they are! Look our apartment is in Walker Avenue and we are currently in Walker Avenue." Alana states.

"Then find the right number genius."

"There." She says pointing at an apartment building that had 4 boys standing outside staring at a couch that definitely wouldn't fit through the door.

"I'm going to say hi!" Alana shouts jumping out the car.

"Okay I'll get the bags." I say out loud to myself. Sighing I hit my head on the steering wheel and looked around the estate to see lots of people hugging and bouncing up and down excitedly. Was college a good idea? Probably not.

"3 years will fly by." I mimic my dad a few hours early. I pushed the door open and got out reluctantly.

"That's my sister Zoe!" Alana shouts. I grumble and slam my door shut loudly. I was in no mood to be talking to 4 boys who think that their couch is going to get through the door in one piece.

"Zoe! Come say hi!" Alana shouts. I fix the strap on my bag and walk over with my arms crossed and my sunglasses covering my eyes.

"Hi." I say pushing the sunglasses out of my face considering my dad taught me it was rude, clearly blonde quiff didn't get the memo.

"Twins?!" A colourful haired boy shouted.

"Wow. Haven't heard that before."

"Be nice." Alana hisses, I roll my eyes and fake smile.

"This is Ashton, Michael, Calum and Luke." Alana says.

"In that order?"

"In that order."

"Okay, hi." I smile before turning away to get the bags.

"Sorry, she still isn't sure whether college is a good idea so she's a little narky." Alana tells them, I roll my eyes again and get my bags out of the car before locking it.

"Alana! Think fast!" I shout throwing the car keys at her, she screams but catches them.

"I'll be up there." I say walking towards the door and unlocking it.

"By the way that couch won't fit through this door." I tell them.

"How do you know?" Luke asks.

"Basic physics." I answer walking through the door.


"You were really rude out there!" Alana shouts as she struggles through the door with her bags.

"Was I?"

"Yes you were! I know you don't really want to be here Zoe, but you are here so deal with it." She snaps.

"Just because we're in the same apartment block as them doesn't mean we have to be best friends Alana. A polite hello and goodbye on the stairs is good enough for me."

"Zoe! Please try!" She whines.


"Fine." She smiles.

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