Recording 1

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recording 1

' yahoo, iwa-chan~ '

oikawa's voice resonated in iwa's headphones

' here's a recording one out of twelve! i'm really happy i met you iwa-chan, even though you always hit me all the time, i knew you didn't mean much harm! remember when we were just kids and we'd always practice volleyball together? those were the times when we had so much fun, i could never forget those times. you were always there for me when i was too scared to start our first day of school, but you held my hand and told me you wouldn't leave my side. '

beep...was that a heart monitor?

' stupid sound...anywho~, you're the best iwa-chan! and i'm okay, just visiting the hospital for today! sorry i haven't been at practice lately, tell everyone that i'm okay and to keep playing for their great setter~ '

a door opened on the other end, closing softly

' oikawa, it's time for your checkup again '

it sounded like a middle-aged man, iwaizumi was confused

'already-..i-i mean, okay~ bye iwa-chan, i'll see you soon'

the recording ended abruptly, leaving iwaizumi both confused and stunned

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