Recording 11

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recording 11

' i have..a lower r-respiratory's so h-hard to..breathe..i-i always c-cough..a-and i'm so scared to...d-die! '

oikawa cried, his crying made iwaizumi cry as well. why hadn't his best friend told him? why couldn't he have told him about this sooner?

' why am i..e-even sending record-ings..y-you won't lis-ten to them... '

iwaizumi anticipated oikawa's next words, he had tried to forget, his bare room now only contained a simple bed and closet. everything was gone, but the headphones and recordings

' y-you're dead iwa-chan...y-you're g-gone '

and iwaizumi let out a sob

12 Recordings〔Iwaoi〕Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu