Recording 3

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recording 3

sighing, he had connected the things once again, it became a routine now even if it has three days since he has been receiving these recordings from oikawa

' "hey shittykawa, why are we here?"
"iwa-chan~ isn't the lake nice today?"'

his eyes sparkled a bit, speaking along with the recording

"i guess, but why are we here?"
"hajime...i love you"

oikawa's smile was fresh in iwaizumi's mind, a light blush dusted on his face as he could feel his own face grow red from oikawa's sudden confession

"what's that supposed to mean?! don't go saying that as if you were going to die oikawa!"

"but iwa...what if one day, i am? wouldn't you regret not telling me what you really feel?" a small pout

"...i love you too, shittykawa"

the recording ended that second, and iwaizumi was crying

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