part I

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Your days were starting earlier and ending later. You were tired, but you were going out and protesting because you knew it was right.

You were getting breakfast before anything today, sitting in a cafe and enjoying the minimal chatter and din around me. You scrolled through TikTok, stopping when you saw another video of Specops Guy. You internally groaned, almost laughing at yourself. You knew that he was in my city, and you secretly knew that a part of you would love to see him. Up close and personal, know what it's actually like to be in his presence. You sipped your drink, looking outside. It was nearing midday, and if you wanted to be productive before it was too hot, you needed to get started.

You headed back home, trying to choose an outfit that would be easy to run in, but also protective and ambiguous enough, covering your identity the best it could. You didn't plan on doing anything bad, but people were getting in trouble for expressing their rights and you didn't want to risk it.

You went with a monochromatic black outfit, complete with a black beanie you could pull down and a black bandanna. You texted anyone that would know how to help you where you were going, tied your shoes, turned off your phone, and left.


By evening, things were total chaos. Teargas had been thrown, people were getting pepper sprayed, others were being arrested and too many had gotten hurt. You tried to run, abandoning your sign, and were near a group of trees on the outskirts of the city, before you saw teargas being sprayed and cans being thrown at the group of people you were near.
"Fuck!" You cursed, closing your eyes and feeling them burn. You put your hands on your eyes, trying to rub and successfully making it worse. You felt yourself stumble backwards, and you knew nobody would really be able to help since they were in the same situation. You had your eyes open for a moment, and it looked like the small group had been together because they were all helping each other and running away. You blinked, squinting, cursing again. Nobody was coming near you, and you felt like your eyes were about to fall out. You closed them, crying out and trying to find your water that had fallen. You took a step, and tripped over what could've only been a discarded bottle.

"Stop, stop it, you're going to hurt yourself. Open your eyes."
You did, and you saw the guy. It's him. He's tall, but bending down now. He has a bottle in his hands, and clears his throat.
My first reaction was to laugh, but then you winced, in serious pain. Your eyes hurt, your foot hurt. You whined, blinking quickly. He was taking his gloves off, opening the cap to his water.

"I have teargas on my gloves."
He tossed them aside, holding the back of your head.

"Keep them open."

He flushed your eyes out, and you made a small noise, the water was cold and your eyes were in searing pain. You blinked when he was done, and tried to fix your hair a little.

"You're um, you're the guy. You went viral."
He made a little noise of approval, and your stomach flipped. That was seriously so, so fucking stupid. You blinked. How could you just tell this guy was insanely attractive? Not even just by looks, but considering what he sounded like and the things he supported... It was enough to cause butterflies.

"You have to stand. Did you hurt your foot?"

You blush dark, not sure if it's visible, but you can definitely feel it. You try to stand and you're able to, but with a lot of pain. It's visible. He stands too, and I realize how tall he actually is. Definitely at least 6'5. You shrug, grabbing your phone and putting it back in your pocket.

"Um, yeah. Kinda. I'm in some pain but it's only a few blocks from here where I need to go."

He probably looks skeptical underneath the mask, and you nervously nibble the inside of your cheek. He crosses his arms.

"Alright. Please be careful. Get home safe." He bends down to pat you on the shoulder and your stomach flips again. You nod, dumbly, waving. You limp away, turning around to see him looking at me. You turn back around; giddy. That was definitely a story you'll be telling everyone. You power your phone back on, trying to ignore the immense pain in your entire leg now, thinking instead of his hands, big and supporting my head, his laugh, his height. You were totally one of the people crushing on the mystery dude, and now you had a really cool story to tell TikTok.
You're close to home when you feel your phone vibrate. You pick up, it's a number with an area code from around here, but you don't have it saved.


"You should be more careful, you know. You left your bag with your IDs." He says your name, trying it out. "It's a nice name, but your number was, y'know. I had to call you so you could come get your shit. Your stuff, 'scuse me." You groan.

"Fuck! Okay, I'm so sorry. Do you think maybe...What the fuck, how am I even going to get it?" He laughs.
You're pissed. "Stop laughing, it's my stuff!"

He stops laughing. "Well, I'm so sorry that I found a payphone and I'm kinda risking getting my identity busted just so I can tell the girl I basically saved that she left her IDs in her purse on some random grass. Hm? Do you prefer we hang up and part ways? I only have like, 25 more seconds and no more quarters."

You're silent for a beat, flustered. "Can you bring it by the address on the cards tomorrow? You can just drop it off," You ask, voice quiet.

"You changed your mind. Alright." He says your name again. You almost crumble, your tummy flipping. "I'll drop it off." He hangs up.

You stare at your phone, stunned. You go to your door, unlocking it and immediately heading to your bedroom. You call your best friend first thing, excitedly chattering about what happened.

"So, are you going to tell the internet what their man crush is doing? Oh my god, he totally has a crush on you!" You groan and laugh.

"Nooo. I need to protect his identity. I dunno much, obviously."

You try to focus on painting your nails, your phone cradled between your head and shoulder.

"You have to make sure you look good tomorrow! What if he knocks? In full riot gear?" You laugh.

"Shut up. I know he won't. Holy shit, do you think he'll be in his gear? I won't lie, god, it's so hot."

Both of you laugh and you screw the cap back on the nail polish.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. What if he comes by at like, 5am?" You two laugh again. You tell them you're planning on going to another protest the next day, and they let you know they can't make it. You sigh, say goodnight, and leave.

You stretch, getting into some comfy pajamas. You turn your lights off, curling up and plugging in your phone. You blush thinking about the mystery guy. He has your purse. The thought makes you flustered, and you try to ignore how you're slightly turned on. You turn over, closing your eyes and fall asleep wishing you knew his name.

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