You Say Me

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You were shuffling downtown, in a hoodie way too big for you and extremely uncomfortable undergarments. The hoodie sleeves flap when you cross your arms, and you hear Max snort behind his mask, looking down at you.

"God, you're such a brat," he breathes, and you roll your eyes.

"Not true- this hoodie is just way too big. Why are you so fucking tall? Do you get it from your parents or something?" He looks at the city, people congregating everywhere as more marches and protests take place.

"I wouldn't know. I don't know my biological parents." You pause, feeling like all your breath was stolen. God, did you really have to say that? Fuck.

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to like...I'm sorry."

He waves his arms a little, walking beside you, long strides making it so you struggle to keep up. "No, don't be sorry. It was just always like that. I uh, I have a younger sister. She lives a couple blocks away."

You look at him, nodding as he talks. "Oh. That's good. I'm still sorry. Is she as tall as you?"

He laughs. You smile big, the laugh sounding so, so good. "No. She's tall though. Volleyball player all through highschool." You hum. "I didn't really play any sports." A smile is permanently on your face- you're over the moon that he actually sounds like he wants to talk to you, like he's opening up.

You enjoy the silence for a moment, approaching a crowd. You adjust the bandanna he'd given you, putting the hood of the hoodie up.

A tight grip is on your waist, and you whip your head up. Max's arm is tightly wrapped around your torso, steering you in the right places. You blush, and you feel him squeeze once, just making you even more flustered.

He leads you to where some people are congregating and getting ready to speak, presumably before they march all the way downtown. Max lets go of you, and you internally pout.

"Let's go over there. I don't want them getting hurt." He goes to hold your shoulder, and you shrug him off. He motions towards the group of people, mostly young teens that he didn't want to get hurt.

"No, it's shady over here. I'm fine." He sighs and you cross your arms, not in the mood for a fight.

"Okay. Be safe. Call me if you need help." You blink. He wasn't even angry? You smile a tiny bit.


He pats you on the head, and even when he walks away, you still smile. It's the middle of the day, so it's nice as you walk around, listening to people speak and seeing some people make signs together.

Time passes, and you think of Max. He admitted that he had actual feelings for you, and you try and focus on the good. There's some sort of feeling there, from both ends, and the thought almost scares you.

"Do you have a sign?"

You look up to the direction of the voice, immediately caught off guard. Okay, hello sexy. Curly brown hair frames his face, a sharp jawline and tan skin compliment his brown eyes. He's tall, not as tall as Max, but you push any thoughts of Max aside. You smile, shaking your head. You move the bandanna off your mouth, the hoodie off your head too.

"Oh, um, no I don't." Hot guy holds out a marker. You take it, your fingers brushing.

"Ah, you can make one! Hold on, lemme get you..." He grabs a poster board from someone making some signs, and hands it to you, "" You take it, smiling.

"Thank you. That's really nice of you." You smile, and introduce yourself by name.

"I'm Ben. Here, I'll sit with you if you want to make a sign." You repeat his name in your head and nod.

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