Chapter 1

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I, myself, got up at my usual time for high school were all the shit goes down, fights, bullies, everything. Just imagine, you think you are going to a great high school with lots of friends and nice teachers, stop daydreaming and get your head out of your ass and get to work. This school is so hardcore and guess what 3 kids committed because of how much stress the school was causing. I might even make that 4, all I want is my dad he would do something about this, like make me happy like how I used to be, but no my stupid ass mother drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks until shes out and I get home. Some kids come home to surprises but me no I come home to shot glasses everywhere, Jack Daniels bottles in every room and wholes in the wall. If you are wondering how my school days go, terrible, I mean what did you really expect, I get bullied every fucking day for my mom not caring about me, and I can't tell anyone because they will call CPS and take her away, I can't take it that far, yeah I may want to run away sometimes but, we're or who would I run to. I can't just be a homeless at 15. " I just need to find someone to get a hold of" I said to myself, turns out a teacher over heard me and told me to come with her. I slightly started to panic so when she turned the corner I ran through the doors downstairs to the lunch room. I was later pulled from class and was told to go to the counselor to talk, I refused to say a word, I couldn't do it, my depression took me over and locked me up inside to not say anything. I was sent back to class and was laughed at by the asshole Derick Black "the Big Bear" they say. He has parents, (both biological with no problems) real parents, that care and protect him. That's why he thinks he's all that, but really he just a spoiled piece of shit who deserves nothing but to fail high school and never make it anywhere for the bullshit he puts people through.

3 weeks later he made 2 more students commit to add to his streak, because he would bully them to the point were they couldn't take it anymore and wanted to die, I  whispered to myself  "this is it, I'm fucking next" . It's not like I wasn't expecting this to happen at all, I knew it was coming, and I knew I had to do something to stop it before it happens, but did I, no of course not. (Sarcastically) Pshht why would I want to do such a thing for something I know is going to end me. The next day Derick comes up to me as usual and says
" did your mom have her cup of cof- sorry I meant Jack Daniels this morning, instead of caring for you.
" yeah, she actually did, how did you know" he says to his friend group
" hey guys, I bet the bottle is empty by now"
" she probably looking for an extra one in her stash by now" said Jake Blanche, I was pissed so I said,
" do you guys know I can fucking hear you, don't you guys have better things to be doing, like getting your grades up, or actually going to class instead of fucking around with other students that are just trying to have a normal day without your stupid little petty ass comments ruining their day and them going home to pull a trigger next to their head, you think this shit is cool, you think it's funny" they go silent
" now that I you shut the hell up, why don't to going home and cry to mommy and daddy that you just were called out for the first time by a " nerd " I hope you all lose your fucking spots on the football team assholes" They haven't said anything nor made eye contact with me the rest of the day. " I did it" I said "I really did". Later that day I walk home and am ready for my daily lectures after I go to my room and lock the door behind me until I hear screaming... I rush to the door and unlock it to find my drunk mother screaming at the hole in the wall. "Jesus Christ " I say to myself as I rolled my eyes and, once again, shut the door and locked it behind me so my mom didn't barge in and lecture me, I go to my desk and start my homework than I further realize that Derick texted me and says
" hey for what happened at school earlier, "
I just want, to say you are a loser you think you can stop me" I replied with
" yes I know I can, know why ? I did dumb shit" he texted me after and hour
" no you didn't and guess what your dumb ass did"
" What"
" you got me kicked off the football team shit head"
"Good, you deserve to have shit in you face for once, you think that you are this big jock that's can do whatever he wants whenever, no, reality check no one gets what they fucking want, deal with it asshole." I later blocked him then continued to finish my homework.

After finishing everything, I then leaped on the bed and was gazing up at the ceiling and sighed  " life fucking sucks"  as I yawned in exhaustion, I didn't have anything else to do that day, so I just fell asleep. 3 hours later I found myself in a room, my room of course, pitched black with the dark blue sky with stars and a bright yellow crescent moon lighting up the room just barley enough to see. I realized that I fell asleep with the light on I never turned it off, " My mom" I whispered, " but how she's  never gave a shit about me" "*sigh* whatever" I didn't care to think about it anymore and just fell back asleep. 3 more hours later I wake up again to look at my clock to see the time at 6:00 in the morning, so I get up and get ready. I had some spare time so I went out into the kitchen to get my snack (my normal breakfast) and had saw my mom had made me breakfast for the first time in 5 years, she made my favorite pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Ever since she started drinking she never cared about me since then, but I guess today was the day she decided to change things and turn into the right direction, I noticed she wasn't home so I assumed that she went to her therapy class which she signed up for 2 years ago and never went, until today I guess. I finally arrived at school and was kind of happy knowing that my mother that's could have been but now is back to really being my mom after 5 years . Yes. I still want to see my Dad once again so I can see him one last time, but I can't, there's no possible way that I will even lock eye contact with him. Because if I were to mention him ever now she * my mother* would go crazy and start drinking again, and we aren't going to go back to that after today. The next few weeks my depression slowly started to fade away day by day because I found myself talking to my mom, like real conversations, not like screaming back and forth yelling at each other for my "bad grades" or some bullshit she would make up, then.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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